Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Exide Technologies in Reading, Pennsylvania

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For many years Exide operated a lead smelter and recycled lead batteries. As a result of 35 years of lead smelter operation prior to the installation of air pollution controls and the advent of the Clean Air Act of 1970, Exide contributed to lead emissions and releases that impacted the soils in the surrounding community and conditions at the site. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action investigation and remediation at the Exide facility is twofold, which consist of the offsite soil investigation and cleanups and the multimedia onsite investigation to assess the impacts of Exide's past operations.

Cleanup Status

Offsite Soil Investigation and Cleanups:

Offsite Soil Sampling
In August 2000, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) to Exide to investigate the extent of lead contamination in soil near the Facility and to clean up properties that are adversely impacted by the lead emissions. In 2001 and 2002, Exide sampled approximately 600 properties, which equate to approximately 12,500 soil samples procured in Laureldale Borough and Muhlenberg Township. 

Site-Specific Risk Assessment
In the summer of 2002, Exide initiated the site-specific risk assessment to determine a protective soil lead level in the community.  The risk assessment evaluates lead exposure risks from various sources, such as tap water, air, lead paint, soil, dust, and food.  The risk assessment consists of additional environmental sampling (e.g., tap water, house dust, lead-based paint screening) and a blood lead study.  The risk assessment targets residences with children seven years old and younger, who are considered most susceptible to lead exposures.  In 2007, EPA approved the site-specific risk assessment and determined a protective soil lead level of 650 parts per million (ppm) for residential properties.   The applied cleanup level will ensure long term protection of the residents and the environment in Laureldale Borough and Muhlenberg Township.

Residential Soil Cleanups
Residential properties with soil lead levels of 650 ppm and less do not pose a health risk and did not require soil cleanup.  In 2008 and 2009, residential properties that contained soil lead levels greater than 650 ppm were cleaned up. The cleanups consist of soil excavation, backfilling with clean soil and restoring the property to its original condition. Exide and its contactors worked with the property owners to insure that the cleanups met the owners’ satisfaction. Exide cleaned up a total of 220 residential properties. The residential cleanups were completed in the fall of 2009.

Non-Residential Soil Cleanups:

Non-residential properties (excluding industrial facilities) that contain soil lead levels above 650 ppm require a property-specific risk assessment to determine the appropriate soil cleanup level that will be protective for the specific use of the property.  Exide and EPA are currently evaluating several non-residential properties in the area to determine if soil cleanup is required at these properties.

Bernhart Park Cleanup
Bernhart Park is a 37.6 acre community park located in Muhlenburg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.The Park is situated within one quarter mile of a battery recycling facility . The main feature of the park is an approximately 15 acre reservoir. Historic operations at the nearby Exide Technologies (Exide) manufacturing facility are alleged to have contributed to lead concentrations in soil, surface water, and sediment in the park. Exide completed a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) to evaluate potential risk posed by lead concentrations to humans. Exide has worked extensively with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) to develop remediate the soil clean and to address potential risk to humans. The park was cleaned up and reopened in 2010.

Onsite Investigation and Cleanups:

Under the EPA Corrective Action and Waste Minimization Permit, Exide conducted a RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) to determine the nature and extent of potential releases of hazardous wastes or hazardous constituents from regulated units, solid waste management units, and other source areas at the facility.  In 2014, Exide submitted the Phase III RFI Report that re-evaluated the current environmental conditions; specifically groundwater, sediment and soils.  Based on the findings of the report, additional rounds of groundwater sampling are required to fully evaluate the groundwater conditions and characteristics of the hydrogeology at the site.  Exide will conduct a Corrective Measures Study (CMS) to further assess the lead levels detected in sediment and soils. The CMS is expected to be completed in the second half of 2016. After the completion of several additional rounds of groundwater sampling and the review of the CMS report, EPA will determine the appropriate remedies to address any environmental impacts that resulted from past operations at the facility.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of Exide Technologies in Reading, Pennsylvania

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The Exide Technologies (Exide) facility is located in Laureldale Borough and Muhlenberg Township, just northeast of Reading, Pennsylvania and occupies approximately 50 acres. The facility began operation in the mid-1930s under the ownership of the Bower's Battery Company. In 1960 the name was changed to the General Battery and Ceramic Corporation and was changed again in 1969 to General Battery Corporation. In 1987, General Battery Corporation was acquired as a wholly owned subsidiary of Exide Corporation. Today the facility is owned and operated by Exide Technologies (Exide). Presently, most of the operations at the facility is shut down except for the plastic recycling.

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Contaminants at this Facility

 The major contaminants and risks are elevated levels of lead and specific heavy metals associated with Exide's past operations in soil, sediment and groundwater.

The primary tool used by EPA to estimate risk from soil contaminated with lead is called the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) model. This model is used to estimate blood lead concentrations for children within a study area that are exposed to lead from multiple sources. In the Exide investigation, this exposure would include the lead in the soil due to smelter emissions. A blood lead study concluded that the overall blood lead levels for children in the area are safely below the CDC standard. In fact, the average blood lead levels in the Exide study area were nearly identical to the national average of 2.0 ug/dL.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

The need for Institutional Controls is yet to be determined.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The facility is unused except for plastic recycling activities.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3 with assistance from the PADEP.

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