Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Envirotrol Incorporated in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has determined that corrective action is complete without controls at the Envirotrol Inc. Beaver Falls facility.

In the past Envirotrol had small releases of activated carbon as a result fo routine operations. Envirotrol has removed spilled activated carbon and soils from the areas identified during EPA's facility assessment conducted in 1988. During an EPA site visit in 2001 there were no indications of continuing releases from Envirotrol waste management activities, which are now covered by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) permit.

Based on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Assessment and the Environmental Indicator (EI) site inspection of the Facility, EPA has determined that corrective action is now complete without controls at the Facility. A more complete explanation of the conditions at the Facility can be found in the Administrative Record and the Statement of Basis

EPA published in a notice in local newspaper detailing the proposed Agency decision of no further corrective action. The thirty (30) day public comment period ended on May 12, 2003 and no comments were received during that time.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of Envirotrol Incorporated in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania

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The Envirotrol, Inc. (Envirotrol) facility is located at the intersection of 24th Street Extension & 31st Street in Beaver Falls, Beaver County, Pennsylvania 15010. The Envirotrol facility consists of a masonry building situated on a two and one-half acre tract of industrially zoned land. Envirotrol receives spent activated carbon from customers, reactivates the carbon using a rotary kilns, and returns it to the customer.

Some of the spent carbon received at Envirotrol is classified as a hazardous waste. Envirotrol is covered by a Resource Conservation and Recovery Permit from PADEP for the storage of hazardous waste. Envirotrol is also subject to RCRA interim status requirements for the thermal treatment (i.e reactivation) of the spent carbon. The facility is currently only sporadically operated for the reactivation of spent carbon and is used mainly as a warehouse for the storage of spent and activated carbon. However, Envirotrol is seeking a permit for the thermal treatment of hazardous waste, which will cover the reactivation operations, and an application is being prepared. The current RCRA storage permit is scheduled to be renewed in 2002.

The Envirotrol building was erected in 1927 as part of an industrial complex. The original tenant of the building was New England Laminates Company. Sometime after this occupancy, Ingram- Richardson moved into the building. Ingram-Richardson manufactured ceramic sings and armor plating during World War II. Envirotrol signed a lease purchase agreement for the building in the fall of 1977. Envirotrol owns or leases three of the six land parcels ( one, four and six) and an auto salvage company operates on parcel three.

In 1996 PADEP conducted removal activities on the land parcel two, east of the properties operated by Envirotrol . PADEP determined that the remediation activities were required as a result of the past operations by the ceramic manufacturing operations by Inngram-Richardson.

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Contaminants at this Facility

Some of the spent carbon received at Envirotrol is classified as a hazardous waste

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

The Institutional Controls were not required at the site.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The site is under continued use.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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