Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Drackett Incorporated in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

On August 25, 1983, the Facility was certified closed by the PADEP (Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection) after closure activities were completed. Closure activities encompassed the entire facility, which included the proper closure of waste management units and related areas of concern. These activities involved hazardous waste and debris removal, decontamination of tanks and injection wells, disconnection of piping to tanks, and sampling of tanks, injection wells and monitoring wells. The injection wells and tanks were filled with sand to prevent future use.

After the certification of closure, the property's title was transferred to Diamond Aerosol on November 27, 1983. The property was later sold to Hayward Laboratory in 1994 who currently uses the facility to produce cosmetic moisturizers

Subsequent to closure activities, post-closure monitoring was implemented by the Facility under the supervision of the PADEP. The program entailed groundwater monitoring at the Facility and nearby residential wells from 1983-1989. The post-closure monitoring detected organic compound contaminants in groundwater. However, after extensive monitoring, the PADEP concluded that the organic compound contamination originated off-site from an undetermined source. Most importantly, the groundwater monitoring showed that nearby residential wells were not impacted. Since there is no current human exposure to the contaminated groundwater, the moderate levels of contaminants do not pose human health or environmental risks. As a result, PADEP released the Surety Bond #8116-16-2, which releases the Facility from further corrective actions.

In its effort to define the source of groundwater contamination, the PADEP will continue to investigate nearby facilities to determine the source of the organic compound groundwater contamination.

Based on PADEP's determination that groundwater contaminant levels do not pose human health or environmental risks, and the organic compound contamination was not caused by releases at the Facility, U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) proposed that no further corrective actions are necessary at the Facility at this time.

On August 31, 1999, EPA issued a Final Determination stating that "no further corrective action is required at the facility at this time" to the former Drackett Inc. site in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. The former Drackett Inc. facility successfully completed all required closure activities. This EPA determination ends the corrective action process at this facility.

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Site Description

Interactive map of Drackett Incorporated, East Stroudsburg, PA

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The former Drackett Inc. facility is located in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Drackett Inc. manufactured household products that included air fresheners, drain, glass, and toilet bowl cleaners. During the time of operation, the Facility had two separate waste treatment units to dispose of wastewater produced from industrial operations. Each system consisted of a collection of floor drains serving distinct production areas. The collected wastewater drained to underground tanks that were used to settle solids prior to wastewater disposal to the injection wells. The wastewater was classified as a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste due to its corrosive characteristics.

The property was later sold to Hayward Laboratory in 1994 who currently use the facility to produce cosmetic moisturizers.

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Contaminants at this Facility

No contaminants of concern were detected above acceptable levels.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional Controls were not required at the site.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The site is under continued use with also an unused parcel of land.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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