Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Defense Distribution Center - Susquehanna Facility in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

EPA is reviewing existing environmental information to determine if further investigation is required.  EPA will focus first on the health and groundwater impacts, if any, presented by the facility.  Once EPA completes this review process, an environmental indicator determination will be prepared and posted to this website.




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Site Description

Interactive map of Defense Distribution Center - Susquehanna Facility, New Cumberland, PA

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The Defense Distribution Depot Susquehanna, Pennsylvania (DDSP) occupies 885 acres of Fairview Township at the northern tip of York County.  The facility was constructed in 1917 and was originally known as the Marsh Run Storage Depot or Army Reserve Depot. 

During and immediately after World War I, the Depot served as the receiving point for supplies returning from overseas.  From 1939 to 1945, DDSP served as the filler depot to several ports of embarkation for overseas shipments as the base storage capacity roughly doubled.  The base also served as the reception center for newly inducted soldiers as well as a camp for German prisoners of war.  A chemical clothing impregnation plant (using an acetylene tetrachloride process) was added to the base operations during World War II.

During World War II and the Korean Conflict, DDSP’s primary mission was to serve as the chemical supply depot issuing commodities pertaining to chemical warfare.  These items included flame-throwers, smoke generators, detector devices, decontamination solution, bleach, chemically impregnated clothing and protective masks.

Aircraft maintenance shops and hangars were installed at DDSP beginning in 1960.  The depot was used as a maintenance and repair facility for army helicopters and other aircraft.  By 1962, the depot became the field installation of the Army Supply and Maintenance Command, and the installation name changed to New Cumberland Army Depot (NCAD).  The Aviation Support Command became part of the facility in 1970.   

In 1976 NCAD gave 14 acres of land located at the easternmost boundary to Fairview Township.  The property, a former sanitary landfill, is used by the Township for recreational purposes.

Aircraft maintenance operations were eliminated from the Installation in 1990, at which time NCAD became solely a supply depot.   In April 1991, Defense Depot Mechanicsburg and NCAD merged to form DDSP under the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).  DDSP’s current mission is solely receipt, storage and issue of supplies.  It is the largest Department of Defense (DoD) wholesale distribution depot in the U.S. and is one of two Strategic Distribution platforms supporting DoD customers in the eastern U.S., Central and South America, Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia.

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Contaminants at this Facility

The facility is a hazardous waste large quantity generator (LQG) including some universal wastes.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

    The need for Institutional Controls is yet to be determined. 

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    Land Reuse Information at this Facility

    The facility is in continued use.

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    Site Responsibility at this Facility

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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