Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Congoleum Corporation Plant Three in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

In 2016, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determined that the Facility completed the requirements of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action. A summary of the environmental investigation and remediation completed under the RCRA Corrective Action program is presented in the Statement of Basis document. The Facility will continue to maintain the onsite landfill cap and comply with institutional controls (ICs) that restrict certain land and groundwater uses at the Facility. This determination of “Corrective Action Complete with Controls” is consistent with EPA’s February 2003 Final Guidance on Completion of Corrective Action Activities at RCRA Facilities (see 68 FR 8757). 

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Site Description

Interactive map of Congoleum Corporation Plant 3, Marcus Hook, PA

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Congoleum is an active manufacturing facility located on 51.4 acres in Marcus Hook, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The Site consists of approximately fifty-five (55) buildings, most of which are utilized as a manufacturing plant and warehouses. One quarter of the existing buildings are closed and are no longer in use.

The Facility is located one mile northwest of the Delaware River. It is 1.5 miles east of the Delaware state border and 1.5 miles northwest of the New Jersey state border. Land use surrounding the Facility is predominantly heavy industrial with pockets of urban residential areas directly to the north and south. Two large oil refineries and several tank farms are located within one mile south and southwest of the Facility.

Since 1902, the Facility has manufactured floor products. Congoleum originally manufactured linoleum floor coverings and later converted to vinyl floor coverings in the 1960s. Solvent based inks/paints were historically utilized in the manufacturing process until the early 1980s when the process switched over to water based inks/paints. The manufacturing process consists of three primary steps. In the initial step felt sheets, which are a combination of limestone and fiber, are coated with a gel and baked in an oven. Second, the sheets are fed through one of two rotogravure printing presses. The final step consists of a clear topcoat that is applied to the sheets before they are baked in the oven again.

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Contaminants at this Facility

Some heavy metal contaminats remain in the soil and groundwater at the Facility above levels appropriate for residential uses, so land and groundwater use restrictions enforceable through Institutional Controls are impletemented.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional controls require that the integrity of the landfill cap be maintained and Facility use must be restricted to non-residential. Also groundwater is restricted to non-potable use.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

 The facility is under continued use.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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