Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Concast Metal Products Company in Mars, Pennsylvania

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Cleanup Status

In August of 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) conducted a site visit.  The visit consisted of a facility tour, and information gathering to assess the current status of the facility.  After additional ground water and surface water samples were collected, EPA determined that both Environmental Indicators for human exposures and groundwater migration are under control.  The facility will continue to sample surface water along Breakneck Creek and onsite groundwater wells for boron to ensure that human exposures will continue to be under control.

In June 2013, EPA is issued a Corrective Action Statement of Basis with compliance with and maintenance of institutional controls (ICs) that restrict certain groundwater uses at the Facility. Levels of constituents of concern detected in surface and subsurface soils do not pose a significant exposure health risk and will not require corrective action. EPA proposed to implement the final remedy for the Facility through an Environmental Covenant.

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Site Description

Interactive map of Concast Metal Products Company, Mars, PA

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The Facility property consists of approximately 45 acres located in rural Adams Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania. It is surrounded by undeveloped wooded areas and some residential and industrial properties. Breakneck Creek is located approximately 600 feet down gradient of the Facility.  

Until 1986, Concast operated as a secondary smelter and a refiner of brass and bronze metals. The manufacturing process involved the melting of copper, copper-based alloys and scraps in two Lindberg gas-fired rotary furnaces. The alloys were then casted into ingots for shipment.

Presently, Concast manufactures specialty and continuous cast copper based alloys and wrought products. Their primary production is the fabrication of copper alloys in bars, rods, tubes and rectangles, as well as custom alloys. All products are produced with state-of-the-art horizontal and vertical continuous-casting technology.  The furnaces are hooded to collect fumes and dust, which are vented to a baghouse along the west wall of the main building. The dust contains approximately four percent zinc. From the baghouse the dust is collected in reinforced plastic bags. Once the bags are full, they are stored at a less than 90-day storage area before they are shipped off-site for metal reclamation. Generated waste water is treated at the on-site water treatment plant and discharges to Breakneck Creek in accordance with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

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Contaminants at this Facility

Primary contaminants at the facility include fuel oil constituents and heavier petroleum constituents from previous asphalt releases.  Since prior asphalt spills have immediately hardened and been scraped off any surfaces, it is unlikely that any residual asphalt remaining would present a risk to workers or any other receptor.  Residual levels of fuel oil constituents in subsurface soil are not expected to adversely affect potential receptors such as construction workers that may be exposed to contamination in subsurface soil.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

    Institutional Controls (enforcable through an Environmental Covenant) include:

    1) Groundwater at the Facility shall not be used for any potable purpose unless it is demonstrated to EPA that such use will not pose a threat to human health or the environment or adversely affect or interfere with the final remedy and EPA provides prior written approval for such use;
    2) No new domestic wells shall be installed on Facility property unless it is demonstrated to EPA that such wells are necessary to implement the final remedy and EPA provides prior written approval to install such wells

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    Land Reuse Information at this Facility

    The facility is under continued use.

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    Site Responsibility at this Facility

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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