Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Cemex Incorporated - Wampam Facility (Formerly: Southdown Medusa) in Wampum, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Cleanup Status
In June 1990, EPA conducted an on-site Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Assessment (RFA). The assessment resulted identified 15 solid waste management units (SWMUs) and five other Areas of Concern (AOC).
In October 1998, Southdown discontinued the use of Hazardous Waste Derived Fuels. As a result, a closure plan for hazardous waste storage and blending units was submitted to Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for approval.
In May 2000, EPA visited the Southdown plant to provide additional data to evaluate the environmental indicators. EPA learned that five of the 15 SWMUs were removed, three were inactive, two were under PADEP’s closure, and five were still active. All the AOCs were still active except the underground gasoline tank, which was closed and removed in accordance with the PADEP Underground Storage Tank requirements. In June 2000, Southdown submitted revised closure plan to PADEP for approval and in September 2000, PADEP approved the revised closure plan.
RCRA Corrective Action activities at the Southdown Wampum facility are being conducted under a joint effort by EPA and PADEP. The investigation and any necessary clean up activities have been implemented in accordance with a closure plan that was required by PADEP in 2000. In February 2001, Southdown ceased performing groundwater investigations at the permitted hazardous waste container area and the truck off-loading pad with PADEP approval and in August 2001, EPA completed an evaluation of available information and issued “Yes” determinations for “Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control” and “Current Human Exposures Under Control” Environmental Indicators (EI).
EPA will issue a RCRA corrective action public notice in local newspaper that will explain the proposed no further action and provide public an opportunity to review and comment on this proposal.
Site Description
The Cemex Wampum Facility, formerly known as Southdown, encompasses approximately 70 acres of land, located in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, on Route 18, approximately two miles south of Borough of Wampum. The facility is bounded by the Beaver River to the east and Route 18 to the west. The facility houses three kilns, numerous silos, a clinker dome, and other buildings and storage units throughout the plant. The immediate land use surrounding Southdown is primarily undeveloped.
Contaminants at this Facility
The threat of contamination to the environment at the facility has been controlled.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
There are no Institutional Controls at the facility.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The facility is under continued use.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3 with assistance from PADEP.