Hazardous Waste Cleanup: CCSWA Lanchester Stabilized Disposal Site in Narvon, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
PADEP has overseen investigation cleanup and closure of the various units at the site under the Act 2 program.
Cleanup Status
The Chester County Solid Waste Authority facility operates as a Municipal Waste Landfill. As such, it is routinely monitored by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). The facility contains an active solid waste fill area and several closed fill areas, including a hazardous waste disposal area. Quarterly groundwater monitoring is conducted to assess releases from the landfill areas. The monitoring system includes 42 wells and 3 sumps. In addition, 27 off-site wells are sampled quarterly.
Remediation actions taken by the facility under the direction of the PADEP include: capping of closed disposal areas, removal of drums with solvent residue, clean-out of treatment/storage ponds, collection and treatment of leachate through sumps and collection trenches, collection of methane gas, and installation of water treatment systems at nearby properties.
PADEP issues a Hazardous Waste Post Closure Permit for the hazardous waste disposal area on August 29, 2008. EPA issued a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Final Decision and a RCRA Corrective Action permit on December 22, 2010.
The EPA RCRA Corrective Action Final Decision requires operation, maintenance and monitoring actions for the landfill caps and the groundwater monitoring system, and compliance with and maintenance of institutional controls .
The facility is a permitted, active landfill. As such, current and future access will be restricted to required operation and maintenance activity. The facility is fenced to prevent unauthorized access. Groundwater use will be restricted to monitoring and maintenance activities.
Site Description
The CCSWA Lanchester Landfill is located in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania on the boundary of Lancaster and Chester Counties. The areal extent of this facility is approximately 630 acres, the majority of which is within Lancaster County. The area surrounding the CCSWA property is mainly residential with some light commercial land use. Baldwin Electrical Company is adjacent to the site to the south-southwest.
The facility is an operating, state-permitted, municipal waste landfill. It has two closed landfills: the Mountaintop Landfill and the Stabilized Waste Landfill. It also has an active Municipal Waste Landfill.
Groundwater beneath the facility is contaminated with metals and organic compounds. The contamination is localized on the facility property, with the exception of the groundwater contamination at the adjacent Baldwin Electric property. There is no unacceptable exposure to the contamination on-site or at the Baldwin Electric property. The contamination is monitored by PADEP.
Contaminants at this Facility
Groundwater beneath the facility is contaminated with metals and organic compounds.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
The EPA RCRA Corrective Action Final Decision requires operation, maintenance and monitoring actions for the landfill caps and the groundwater monitoring system, and compliance with and maintenance of institutional controls.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The facility is under continued use.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3 with assistance from PA DEP.