Hazardous Waste Cleanup: C and D Technologies Incorporated in Leola, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Cleanup Status
In 1982, the C and D facility released an estimated 6500 gallons of lead- and sulfate-contaminated wastewater into the ground. Contaminated soil and water in the immediate area were removed and disposed. In 1984, approximately 300-500 gallons of lead-contaminated acetic acid was discharged. In 1991, C and D removed about 70 tons of lead-contaminated soil in run off areas near storage tanks.
The C and D Technologies facility continues to pump and treat water from monitoring wells onsite in cooperation with PADEP. Current groundwater monitoring results show lead levels below detection limits or below levels of concern for drinking water (15 ug/l). Sulfate levels in the groundwater collected from monitoring wells remain above the Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (250 ug/l). The Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level is not a health-based level; it is indicative of taste and odor concerns. C and D will continue this pump and treat operation.
The Environmental Indicators (EIs) were completed on January 2001. The two EIs are called "Current Human Exposures Under Control" and "Migration of Contaminated Groundwater Under Control."
Site Description
The C and D facility manufactures integrated reserve power systems (lead-acid batteries) for the telecommunications industry. The facility is located along PA Route 23, Upper Leacock Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, east of the town of Leola. The facility area is agricultural/residential/light industrial, mostly served by public water and sewer.
Contaminants at this Facility
Sulfates are the main contaminants found in groundwater at the site. Lead is found at low levels in the groundwater, if detected at all. Sulfuric acid, lead oxide and sodium hydroxide are the primary hazardous materials used at the facility.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
The need for Institutional Controls has yet to be determined.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The site is under continued use.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.