Hazardous Waste Cleanup: BAE Systems Land and Armaments LP (Formerly: United Defense, LP) in York, Pennsylvania
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Cleanup Status
The May 2015 annual Operations and Maintenance Summary Report for the Groundwater Remediation Systems states that both the West Warehouse Area (WWA) and Eastern Property Boundary Area (EPBA) groundwater remediation systems operated as designed and in compliance with permit limits during the reporting period. Five out of eight wells in the WWA contained concentrations of tetrachloroethene (PCE) above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5 ug/L, with a maximum concentration of 17.5 ug/L during the reporting period. In the EPBA, four out of nine wells contained concentrations of PCE above the MCL, with a maximum concentration of 143 ug/L. Two out of nine wells in the EPBA also contained concentrations of trichloroethene (TCE) above its MCL of 5 ug/L, with a maximum concentration of 15.2 ug/L. The majority of wells in both the WWA and EPBA continue to exhibit stable or decreasing trends in contaminant concentrations.
A long-term stewardship site visit was performed by EPA in May 2014. Remedial components were in good condition and operating as designed, and institutional controls restricting groundwater are enforced through an environmental covenant, ensuring that human health and the environment remain protected at the facility.
In December 2008 the facility proposed a year-long shutdown of the WWA groundwater treatment system to EPA and PADEP to determine if the system was still necessary. The proposed shutdown was approved and occurred from February 2009 to February 2010. Results from the shutdown period were generally favorable, with only a few wells showing slightly increased contaminant concentrations; however, upon further evaluation of these results and other remedial alternatives, the facility decided to resume operation of the WWA groundwater treatment system in July 2010.
The final remedy for the BAE Systems facility, consisting of groundwater treatment and monitoring and including institutional controls, was described in the March 2006 Final Decision and Response to Comments. The two groundwater treatment systems included in the final remedy, one in the WWA and one in the EPBA, have successfully captured and treated contaminated groundwater at the facility since the early 1990s.
Site Description
Interactive map of BAE Systems Land & Armaments LP (Formerly: United Defense, LP), York, PA
The facility is located approximately five miles southwest of the City of York, Pennsylvania. Operations began in 1960. The facility produces armored defense vehicles for the U.S. Department of Defense.
The facility historically used four impoundments for the treatment and storage of industrial and sanitary wastewaters. These impoundments were excavated, backfilled, and closed by the facility starting in 1989. The excavated material from the impoundments were then consolidated in the Minimum Technology Requirements (MTR) landfill, which was certified closed by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) in 1991.
Contaminants at this Facility
The primary contaminants at the facility are primarily trichloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), which occur in groundwater beneath the facility at low levels. Potential exposures to this contamination have been eliminated by implementing on-site groundwater capture and treatment systems, providing public water to nearby residents, and providing institutional controls that restrict groundwater use. The low levels of remaining groundwater contamination are not expected to migrate off-site and are not expected to be of concern regarding vapor intrusion to indoor air. Contaminated soils have been removed or remediated at the facility.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
Restrictions or Controls that Address: | Yes | No |
Groundwater Use
Residential Use
Vapor Intrusion
Capped Area(s)
Other Engineering Controls
Other Restrictions
As an additional protective measure, institutional controls prohibiting the development of on-site wells for domestic uses and banning the use of groundwater beneath the facility as a potable water supply were included in the final remedy. Excavation or disturbance of the MTR landfill and its capped area is also prohibited as part of their hazardous waste post-closure permit.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
BAE continues to use the facility to produce armored defense vehicles.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.