Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Babcock and Wilcox Landfill in Koppel, Pennsylvania

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    Cleanup Status

    On December 20, 2006, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) issued a post closure permit to Babcock and Wilcox that required the company to monitor groundwater and maintain the cover for a closed landfill. The landfill was constructed with PADEP approval in 1989 to permanently dispose of approximately 50,000 cubic yards of electric arc furnace dust. This dust is a hazardous waste under Pennsylvania's authorized Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program.

    In May 2010, EPA issued a corrective action permit to Babcock and Wilcox in order to complete the administrative requirements of the RCRA permitting program. This EPA permit acknowledged Babcock and Wilcox's successful completion of the landfill closure and added that no additional conditions were necessary to protect human health and the environment.

    Babcock and Wilcox has established a Letter of Credit payable to PADEP in the amount of $1,059,125 to comply with RCRA financial assurance requirements. EPA expects that no further action is necessary.

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    Site Description

    Interactive Map of Babcock and Wilcox Landfill, Koppel, Pennsylvania

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    The Facility is a closed landfill, near Mount Street in parts of both Koppel and Big Beaver Boroughs, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. The Facility is 5.3 acres and is surrounded by the IPSCO Koppel Tubulars Corporation steel plant, formerly operated by the Babcock and Wilcox Company.

    When the plant was sold in 1999, Babcock and Wilcox retained this 5.3 acre parcel and closed the landfill with PADEP approval and oversight. PADEP has issued a post-closure permit that requires Babcock and Wilcox to maintain the landfill and to monitor groundwater twice a year. The permit also contains contingent measures to remediate any future release to groundwater.

    Babcock and Wilcox operated a melt shop at the Koppel facility using electric arc furnaces (EAF) to melt steel. These EAF furnaces are equipped with baghouses that remove process dust from the exhaust. This dust is considered a hazardous waste due to the presence of lead, chromium, and cadmium. Babcock and Wilcox stored this dust outdoors in a large pile. In 1988, PADEP approved a plan to close the waste pile. Babcock and Wilcox constructed a double-lined landfill to permanently contain the material. The waste pile and contaminated soils were excavated and disposed in the new landfill. Closure was completed in 1989 with approximately 50,000 cubic yards of dust and contaminated soil contained in the landfill. Babcock and Wilcox sold the plant in 1999, but retained the landfill parcel.

    Groundwater monitoring of the area was initiated in 1982 and continues under the PADEP permit. Results reveal no significant impacts to the groundwater beneath the site.

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    Contaminants at this Facility

    EPA's permit in 2010 to Babcock and Wilcox's acknowledged their successful completion of the landfill closure and added that no additional conditions were necessary to protect human health and the environment.

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    Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

    Institutional /Engineering Control Summary
    Restrictions or Controls that Address: Yes No
    Groundwater Use
    Residential Use
    Vapor Intrusion
    Capped Area(s)
    Other Engineering Controls
    Other Restrictions

    Institutional Controls have been established under and and EPA issued a corrective action permit in August 2010 that contains enforceable conditions regarding groundwater monitoring, cap maintenance, approval of planned , and transfer of property. Also a notice has been added to the property deed that (on page 27) describes physical location of the landfill and alerts readers that no disturbance to the land may be made without notification to PADEP. This notice has been properly recorded with Beaver County.

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    Land Reuse Information at this Facility

    The site is unused.

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    Site Responsibility at this Facility

    RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility have been conducted under the direction of EPA Region 3.

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