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Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Wayne Division Dresser Equipment Group in Salisbury, Maryland

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Beginning in 2001, DII Industries LLC (DII)  has conducted investigations of soil, groundwater, and soil gas. The investigations have centered largely on key features and chemicals associated with former operations, including gasoline, gasoline components, surrogates for gasoline used in the testing of the dispensing pumps (i.e., mineral spirits), diesel fuel, solvents, and metals. Impacted soils, impacted groundwater and over 25 tanks have been removed from the Facility. DII has implemented various interim corrective measures at the Facility. Dresser has completed demolition and removal of all buildings and structures at the Facility.

Cleanup Status

In 2004, based on the results of investigations and available information, EPA determined that priority environmental indicators for current human exposures under control and for migration of contaminated groundwater under control were met.

On November 30, 2015, new information submitted to EPA showed additional information is needed to demonstrate that the environmental indicator for “migration of contaminated groundwater under control” continues to be attained.

Work since 2004 has focused on conducting investigations of environmental conditions and implementing interim measures as discussed below.

In 2009 and 2010, Dresser dismantled and razed all structures at the Facility. Following demolition of buildings, Dresser removed subsurface structures, including subsurface pipes wrapped with covered asbestos, foundations and other subsurface features.

Since completion of the demolition process, additional impacts to soil and groundwater have been identified and DII (the successor of a former owner of the Facility) has voluntarily conducted additional investigation activities, pursuant to certain contractual obligations with Dresser, to evaluate the Facility for the presence and extent of contamination, including polychlorinated biphenyls (“PCBs”) found in certain surface and subsurface soils, mineral spirits observed as a light non-aqueous phase liquid (“LNAPL”) in certain subsurface soils and monitoring wells screened across the water table, and hexavalent chromium detected in soils and groundwater beneath the Facility.

DII is currently implementing or has implemented various interim corrective measures to address certain conditions at the Facility. The interim corrective measures include: (1) batch extraction of groundwater containing hexavalent chromium; (2) in situ groundwater treatment to remove hexavalent chromium from groundwater; (3) removal of LNAPL from monitoring wells with recoverable amounts of LNAPL; and (4) removal of impacted soils from certain areas at the Facility, including soils that contain chromium and PCBs.

DII is presently evaluating options for conducting additional characterization and remediation activities at the Facility.

DII has agreed to submit a report to EPA when it has completed ongoing characterization and remediation activities. DII is keeping EPA informed of its ongoing activities through regular progress reports and other submissions.

Dresser anticipates transferring ownership of the Facility to an affiliate of the Salisbury University Real Estate Foundation.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of Wayne Division Dresser Equipment Group, Salisbury, Maryland

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Industrial operations took place at the Facility from approximately 1938 until 2001. The former manufacturing plant initially may have operated as a machine shop, but it is primarily known for its manufacture of fuel dispensing pumps for both domestic and international markets. Hoists for trucks and buses were also manufactured at the facility for a limited period of time. During the history of operations at the Facility, various wastes were reportedly generated including wastewater treatment effluent and sludge; used petroleum hydrocarbons; spent solvents from equipment cleaning; paint-based solids and sludge; and corrosive liquids and sludge from metal pre-treatment and coating operations.

In approximately 2001, the Facility was transferred to Dresser. An affiliate of the Salisbury University Real Estate Foundation has since agreed to purchase the Facility, subject to certain closing conditions.

A parcel of land located on the north side of West College Avenue was historically used as a parking lot for employees. In the late 1990s, that parcel was sold and redeveloped as a shopping center. That parcel is not part of the current investigation activities.

The Facility is a former manufacturing facility that is currently owned by Dresser RE, LLC, a subsidiary of Dresser, Inc. (collectively “Dresser”). The property comprises of the following parcels:  16.4 acres comprise the Former Manufacturing Plant and the East Parking Lot , South Parking Lot (approximately 1.35 acres) and a former North Parking Lot/current Shopping Center (approximately 6.85 acres).

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Contaminants at this Facility

Gasoline, diesel fuel, solvents, mineral spirits, PCBs, and metals are associated with the Facility. Various historical releases occurred in connection with the use and handling of petroleum products (e.g., waste oil and mineral spirits) and other volatile organic compounds (“VOCs”).  Chlorinated solvents (tetrachloroethylene and and trichloroethylene), metals (hexavalent chromium and lead), and petroleum constituents (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, trimethylbenzene, and naphthalene) have been detected in groundwater beneath the Facility. An area of LNAPL consisting of mineral spirits has been observed in on-site soils and certain monitoring wells in the northern portion of the Facility. PCBs which were detected and delineated in on-site soils have been removed.  Asbestos used to insulate subsurface pipes (covered with an external jacket) was removed in accordance to applicable regulations as part of the demolition process.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

EPA anticipates that it will require the implementation of institutional controls as part of its final remedy for the Facility.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

An affiliate of the Salisbury University Real Estate Foundation has agreed to purchase the portion of the Facility where the former manufacturing plant was located and properties to the east and south which are currently leased to Salisbury University and used as parking lots.

A parcel of land located on the north side of West College Avenue that was historically used as a parking lot for employees was sold in the late 1990s and has been redeveloped as a shopping center.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the EPA Region 3 with assistance from the Maryland Department of the Environment.

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