Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Rubbermaid Commercial Products, LLC (Formerly: GE Winchester Lamp Plant) in Winchester, Virginia
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
GE Electric Lighting (Winchseter Plant) entered the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ) Voluntary Remediation Program in 2011 with the property sale.
Cleanup Status
EPA has determined that no further action under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action program is required at this time. A 45 day public comment period on the proposed decision extended from June 10 to July 26, 1999. No comments were received during that time. Therefore, EPA has issued a final Agency Determination that clean-up is complete at GE's Winchester Lamp Plant.
Only one area, a concrete pad used for storing drums of hazardous waste, was identified as potentially having a release at this facility. During a hazardous waste inspection, several overfilled drums were observed to be leaking waste material, but the waste was confined to the tops of the drums. In 1989, GE cleaned the concrete pad of any contamination. Soil sampling results in the area showed no detectable levels of contamination and Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ) provided approval of the "clean closure" certification for the unit on November 4, 1998. "Clean closure" is a term that is used to define the process of completely removing all waste that was treated, stored, or disposed in a hazardous waste unit.
One other area of concern was the site of two former underground fuel tanks. These tanks were removed and GE sampled the soil and groundwater in the area to determine if there had been a release. No contamination was found and the site was deemed "cleaned closed" by VA DEQ Underground Storage Tank Program.
However, upon determining to sell the Property, GE performed Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments and supplemental investigations in 2011. One soil sample containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) exceeding screening levels and two soil excavations were conducted in 2011. Samples then confirmed all PCBs above screening levels were removed. Other site sampling in revealed Semvolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) as a concern. An Environmental Covenat with deed restriction addressed this issue.
Site Description
Interactive Map of Rubbermaid Commercial Products, LLC (Formerly: GE Winchester Lamp Plant), Winchester, VA
View larger mapThe GE Winchester Lamp Plant is located about 3 miles south of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia and the site is situated on a 125 acre parcel of land.
The facility began operation in 1975 and is currently producing household incandescent light bulbs under its own name and private brand names. The major components of the light bulb are produced at other facilities and shipped to Winchester Lamp Plant for assembly. Incandescent light bulbs were manufactured from the date when operations began on the Property until September 24, 2010 when operations on the Property ceased.
Contaminants at this Facility
During a hazardous waste inspection in the late 1980s, several overfilled drums leaking waste material were observed. That waste was confined to the tops of the drums. In 1989, GE cleaned the concrete pad used to store the drums of any contamination. Subsequent sampling showed SVOCS of concern on the site.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
Institutional Controls ,enforced through an Environmental Covenant include:
- Residential use of the site is prohibited.
- Soil excavation must comply according with the VA DEQ rules.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The site is being reused.
Site Responsiblity at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the VA DEQ with assistance from the EPA Region 3.