Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Virginia Casting Industries (Formerly: Archer Creek Foundry) in Lynchburg, Virginia

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Cleanup Status

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) has prepared a Corrective Action Statement of Basis (SB) for the Virginia Casting Industries (formerly Intermet) Archer Creek Foundry (ACF) on its proposed final remedy. VDEQ's proposed decision requires the Facility to maintain certain property mechanisms known as Institutional Controls (ICs) and Engineering Controls (ECs). 



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Site Description

Virginia Casting Industries (Formerly: Archer Creek Foundry), Lynchburg, VA

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The 193 acre facility was a small castings foundry that manufactured metal parts for automobiles, heavy trucks, small internal combustion engines, computers, industrial tools, and household appliances. The facility was owned by Intermet Corporation from 1973 to 2009 when operations ceased, then sold to Virginia Casting Industries in 2010. The facility managed hazardous and non-hazardous wastes and completed numerous cleanup activities since 1998. Currently, the property consists of large concrete pads delineating the footprint of former structures, several derelict structures, a closed solid waste landfill, and elements of a former wastewater treatment system.

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Contaminants at this Facility

Numerous hazardous chemicals, non-hazardous chemicals, and petroleum products were historically used during the manufacturing process. The raw chemicals and petroleum products were stored in small aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), 55-gallon dmms, and carboys. The hazardous and non-hazardous wastes generated at the facility were stored in ASTs, 55-gallon dmms, carboys, and small containers pending disposal/treatment.

Wastes stored at the facility were generated during research and development, product quality assurance testing, and product manufacturing.  Solid non-hazardous wastes generated at the facility included commercial wastes (trash, cardboard, pallets, drums, bags, etc. ), foundry production wastes (used sand, used^broken cores, carbide slag, cupola slag, used refractory, baghouse dust, used air pollution bags or filters, used grinding wheels), and waste fluids (oil, metal cleaner, mst preventive testing fluids, spent scrubber liquid, etc. ). Commercial waste was disposed off-site through contracted trash hauling services to either Campbell County landfill or City of Lynchburg landfill. Foundry production wastes were formerly disposed at the on-site landfills or off-site Falwell landfill (an industrial captive landfill used only by the Lynchburg Foundry Lower Basin Plant and Archer Creek Plant) until the landfills were full. After the landfills were fall, the foundry production wastes were disposed in commercial and local landfills (Amelia, Old Dominion, Fluvana County, Campbell County, and City of Lynchburg). A review of the disposal records by ACF indicates that off-site disposal began in Febmary 2002, with some on-site disposal continuing until October 2002.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

  • All earth moving activities including excavation, drilling and construction activities that would result in direct exposure to soil or disturbance of the soil on those portionsof the Facility associated with the closed landfills and associated sedimentation basins shall be prohibited without VA DEQ approval of a Materials Management Plan
  •  The Facility property shall not be used for any purposes other than industrial unless it is demonstrated to VDEQ that such use will not pose a threat to human health or theenvironment and VA DEQ provides prior written approval for such use.
  •  Groundwater shall not be used for potable purposes unless it is demonstrated to VDEQ that such use does not pose an unacceptable risk to human health and VDEQ provides prior written approval for such use. To minimize potential trespasser exposure to site-related inorganic soil contaminants the existing fence must be maintained.
  • To minimize potential trespasser exposure to site-related inorganic soil contaminants the existing fence must be maintained.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The facility is currently unused.

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Site Responsiblity at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the EPA Region 3 with assistance from the VADEQ.

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