Hazardous Waste Cleanup: E.I. DuPont DeNemours Chestnut Run Site in Wilmington, Delaware
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
DuPont and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) have worked cooperatively and have completed the requirements for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action at the Chestnut Run Facility.
Cleanup Status
The completion of a RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) represented the first phase of the corrective action program as established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The purpose of the RFA was to identify and gather information on releases at RCRA facilities; identify, evaluate, and describe Solid Waste Management Units (SWMU) and other areas of concern (AOC); evaluate potential for releases to the environment; and determine the need for further investigation, remedial actions and/or interim measures.
The preliminary review (PR) was performed during February/March 1991; a follow-up corrective action evaluation was completed in May, 2006. The PR included review of numerous state files, including RCRA, CERCLA, Air, Solid Waste, SERT, Soil and Water, Wetlands, Water Resources, Fish and Wildlife, and Public Health. Federal sources of information included EPA Region III in Philadelphia, the United States Geological Survey, and the New Castle County Office of the Soil Conservation Service. After the PR was performed a hazardous release to the environment could not be confirmed.
A meeting was held on April 17, 2008 between DuPont and DNREC to chart a course forward for Chestnut Run. It was agreed upon that the Environmental Indicators would be assessed, and a tour of the site was completed. The following activities were accomplished:
The Environmental Indicators for Human Health and Ground Water were completed on August 11, 2009.
Based on the field investigation and information submitted by the facility concerning past waste practices, DNREC determined that no further corrective action was necessary under the federal RCRA Corrective Action program. The public comment period on the draft proposal ended on September 25, 2009; no comments were received.
The criteria used to analyze the proposed remedy are set forth in OSWER guidance document, "Guidance on RCRA Corrective Action Decision Documents" Directive Number 9902.6, February 1991, and the May 1, 1996 ANPR.
- Toured all old (1991) and new (to May 2006) SWMU’s at the DuPont Chestnut Run facility. SWMU’s 1 – 27 were identified by DNREC in the September 20, 1991 RFA document; numbers 28 – 35 were identified by DuPont from 1991 to May 2006.
- Toured all AOC’s at the DuPont Chestnut Run facility. Three AOC’s were identified by DNREC in September 20, 1991 RFA document.
The Environmental Indicators for Human Health and Ground Water were completed on August 11, 2009.
Based on the field investigation and information submitted by the facility concerning past waste practices, DNREC determined that no further corrective action was necessary under the federal RCRA Corrective Action program. The public comment period on the draft proposal ended on September 25, 2009; no comments were received.
The criteria used to analyze the proposed remedy are set forth in OSWER guidance document, "Guidance on RCRA Corrective Action Decision Documents" Directive Number 9902.6, February 1991, and the May 1, 1996 ANPR.
Site Description
DuPont owns the multi-departmental research facility known as the Chestnut Run Plaza. This facility is located along route 141 and Lancaster Pike in Wilmington, Delaware. The site consists of 19 buildings on approximately 240 acres. The wastes generated on site were the result of product development. Wastes were generated in small, irregular batches consisting of small packages of discarded laboratory chemicals, small sample mixes, and excess and spent batches used in machine applications and discarded test products. Most of the site chemical wastes were innocuous and non-hazardous, as they stem from activities relating to finished products in the consumer trade. The hazardous wastes were principally organic spent solvents from non-specific sources, plus various characteristic wastes and lab packs. Wastes were stored and shipped for the most part in bung and open top 55-gallon steel drums. Occasionally, smaller lots of specialized wastes were shipped in small cartons or less than 55-gallon steel or fiber drums.
DNREC issued a Statement of Basis (SB) for conducting RCRA – No Further Action (NFA) activities at the facility. DNREC solicited comments from the public on the SB; the public comment period ended on September 25, 2009. No comments were received during the 45 day comment period. The Record of Decision (ROD) was signed on September 30, 2009.
Contaminants at this Facility
The hazardous wastes were principally organic spent solvents from non-specific sources, plus various characteristic wastes and lab packs. Wastes were stored and shipped for the most part in bung and open top 55-gallon steel drums.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
No institutional controls were required at the facility.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The facility is under continued use.
Site Responsibility at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities are being conducted under the direction of the Delaware epartment of Natural Resources and Environmental Control with assistance from EPA Region 3.