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Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Chemical Carrier Corporation of Virginia in Roxbury, Virginia

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On July 13, 2009 the Chemical Carrier Corp of Virginia Corporation (ABC) entered into a Facility Lead Corrective Action Agreement (FLA) with Region 3 of the EPA for its Roxbury, Virginia Maintenance Terminal Facility (EPA ID No. VAD000799379). EPA approved ABC's Site Characterization Work Plan (SCWP) to investigate the site in November 2010. The facility also submitted a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), Site Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and Community Relations Plan (CRP). The purpose of the site characterization is to determine the nature and extent of potential impacts to environmental media beneath the site including soil and groundwater. ABC began its site characterization under the agreement in January 2011. Follow-up investigations were conducted in August/September of 2011. The Corrective Measures Study (CMS) was submitted to EPA for review on October 23, 2012. The CMS was approved by EPA on February 12, 2013.;

Cleanup Status

On April 8, 2013, EPA issued a Statement of Basis in which it described the information gathered during environmental investigations at the Facility and proposed a Final Remedy for the Facility.
Consistent with the public participation provisions under RCRA, EPA solicited public comment on its proposed Final Remedy.; On April 23, 2013, notice of the Statement of Basis was published on the EPA Region 3 Public Notice Website.

Since EPA did not receive any comments on the SB during the public comment period, EPA determined it was not necessary to modify the proposed Final Remedy set forth in the SB; thus, the remedy proposed in the SB is the Final Remedy selected by EPA for the Facility. The Final Decision and Response to Comments was signed on June 4, 2013.

EPA’s Final Remedy for the Facility consists of monitoring the groundwater and compliance with/maintenance of institutional controls.

A Consent Order was issued to Atlantic Bulk Carrier Corporation (ABC) on September 8, 2015. The Consent Order requires that ABC implement an EPA-approved groundwater monitoring plan and Institutional Controls, as selected in the FDRTC. The Institutional Controls include:

  1. ABC will not use groundwater on the facility property.
  2. ABC will not install any new wells on the facility property.
  3. ABC will install a vapor intrusion control system approved by EPA in the event of any new construction near the contaminated groundwater plume.

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Site Description

Interactive Map of the Chemical Carrier Corporation of Virginia, Charles City County, VA

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The ABC Roxbury Maintenance Terminal is located at 1901 Roxbury Road in Charles City County, Virginia. The 18-acre facility was developed in the late 1971 to provide storage, fueling and maintenance support to ABC's bulk hauling business. Three on-site buildings are currently used to carry out routine maintenance on trucks and trailers, which are stored on the property between jobs. Diesel fuel is dispensed to company vehicles from an above-ground storage tank located on the grounds.

ABC submitted a Community Action Plan to the US EPA in November 2010. The initiation of site investigation activities was announced to the community via a public notice published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch newspaper December 3-9, 2010. An information repository has been established at ABC's Administrative Offices located at 1804 Barnetts Road. Please contact Mr. Warren Groseclose at (804) 966-5459 (E-mail: wgroseclose@atlanticbulk.com) to schedule an appointment to review information or obtain a fact sheet.

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Contaminants at this Facility

To date, the site characterization investigations have detected organic chemicals commonly associated with degreasers and solvents. Contaminants of concern include trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane, trans-1,2-dichloroethylene, cis-1,2-dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride, which were detected along with related compounds in groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells installed on the site. The contaminants of concern exceed risk-based screening levels published by the US EPA Region 3. However, there is no indication that site workers or other human populations are being exposed to these compounds nor is there any imminent health threat from these chemicals. Repeat tests of drinking water produced from the on-site water well have not detected any of these or other chemicals.

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Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility

Institutional /Engineering Control Summary
Restrictions or Controls that Address: Yes No
Groundwater Use
Residential Use
Vapor Intrusion
Capped Area(s)
Other Engineering Controls
Other Restrictions

The Institutional Controls include:

  1. ABC will not use groundwater on the facility property.
  2. ABC will not install any new wells on the facility property.
  3. ABC will install a vapor intrusion control system approved by EPA in the event of any new construction near the contaminated groundwater plume.

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Land Reuse Information at this Facility

The facility is under continued use.

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Site Responsibility at this Facility

RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality with assistance from EPA Region 3.

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