Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Solenis LLC (Formerly: Ashland Hercules Water Technology) in Courtland, Virginia
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
Prior to EPA involvement at the Facility, Hercules closed some units or solid waste management units (SWMUs) under Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) direction. In October 1999, Hercules agreed to conduct further environmental investigation and clean-up under a Facility-Lead Agreement with EPA to satisfy Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Program requirements. In October 2010, Hercules entered into a RCRA 3013 Order on Consent with EPA to finish Corrective Action at the Facility.
Cleanup Status
Hercules investigated contamination from chemical releases as documented in the Release Assessment (ERM; March 1999) and the Release Assessment Addendum (GES; January 2002). Site-related contaminants were identified in soil and groundwater and include: 1, 2 -dichloropropane (PDC), benzene, acetone, heptane, phenols, petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and organic peroxides.
Remediation of organic peroxides in groundwater by air-sparging at one unit is on-going. Hercules completed groundwater sampling of private wells located around the facility and found no site-related compounds. In 2010, Hercules stabilized, excavated and removed the ludge in the former waste pits and lagoon in the West Area. In July 2015, the Facility submitted their Corrective Measures Study (CMS) to EPA. The CMS evaluates various groundwater remedy options for consideration in a final remedy for the Facility. EPA approved the CMS in August 2016 and thereafter made the Final Remedy Decision for the Site in November 2016 after no comments were received during the 30-day comment period.
The remedy consists of monitored natural attenuation of residual contaminants in GW and air-sparging in the Vul-Cup area until GW meets clean=-up goals. Land use is restricted to industrial use.
Site Description
Interactive Map of Ashland Incorporated, Courtland, VA
The Facility has been a chemical processing plant producing rosin, fatty acids and organic peroxides since 1955. The primary raw material used was 'tall oil', also called liquid rosin, derived from trees (mostly pine) during the wood pulping process. Historically, Hercules managed wastes on-site in landfills, a spray field, lagoons and pits, but discontinued these waste disposal methods and upgraded waste handling. The current processes generate wastewater, non-contact cooling water, biological sludge and some spent solvents (from the on-site quality control laboratory). The wastewater treatment plant was upgraded and produces little sludge, which is shipped off-site under VADEQ permit. Waste stored in pits was excavated in 1999 and 2010 and removed. A lagoon and sprayfield were closed after the lagoon sludge was stabilized, excavated and removed to an off-site commercial landfill in 2010.
In 2001, Hercules began selling some manufacturing units at the Facility, while retaining ownership of the property and responsibility for past site releases. In 2008, the tall oil distillation process at the Facility was discontinued. Currently, Aquapel, Pamolyn and Vul-Cup process units remain active. In August 2014, Solenis, LLC acquired the Facility. Ashland, LLC retains responsibility for historic contamination at the Site.
Contaminants at this Facility
Contaminants of concern were: Main Plant Area: 1,2-dichloropropane (PDC), benzene. Heat Generation Area: PDC, biphenyl, cresol m+p, naphthalene. Vulcup: PDC, heptane, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). East Area: PDC. West Area: acetone, benzene, cresol m+p, naphthalene, phenol, arsenic, chromium, lead, vanadium, benzene, tetrachloroethene, benzo(a)anthracene, bis(2-ethylhexl)phthalate and PAHs.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
Institutional Controls include:
in any building with indoor vapor levels exceeding EPA' s acceptable levels.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
This facility is under continued use.
Site Responsiblity at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the EPA Region 3 with assistance from Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.