Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Adamson Development Corporation of America in Buffalo Junction, Virginia
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Site Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Land Reuse
- Site Responsibility
The Former Adamson Development Corporation of America Facility manufactured storage tanks (aboveground and below ground). In February 1994, Adamson filed for bankruptcy and subsequently ceased manufacturing operations at the site. The Development Corporation of America (DCA), who acquired the property as part of a sale/leaseback in February 1978, conducted investigation and remediation activities as a result of insufficient funds being available from Adamson bankruptcy proceedings to restore the site to compliance. A total of approximately 2,500 empty one-gallon and five-gallon paint containers as well as approximately 75 fifty-five gallon drums were excavated and removed from the site. Additionally forty, one cubic yard waste boxes were disposed of as hazardous waste. Clean Closure of soils and groundwater was verified by Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) in September 2001 and April 2004, respectively.
Cleanup Status
A Phase II Site Investigation was subsequently completed on behalf of DCA in November 1994, revealing buried paint containers, consisting mainly of 5-gallon paint cans and other materials. The VDEQ site investigations conducted in March and April 1995 revealed additional buried paint containers, drums, and waste materials. Following site investigation work, under the oversight of the VDEQ in 1996, DCA paid for the removal, treatment, and disposal of the hazardous materials.
A Final Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Site Visit Report was issued on January 30, 2009 for the Facility. A Statement of Basis (SOB) was noticed on July 8, 2009. The EPA issued its Final Decision regarding the Facility on August 12, 2009 stating that Corrective Action was Complete without Controls.
Site Description
Interactive Map of Adamson Development Corporation of America, Buffalo Junction, Virginia
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The Former Adamson Development Corporation of America Facility was comprised of a single structure located on an 18-acre site. The site is located in a rural residential portion of Mecklenburg County.
The Development Company of America, LLP (DCA) acquired the Facility in February 1978 as part of a sale/leaseback arrangement. DCA was a developer that leased properties for office industrial and commercial uses. The subject Facility was leased to Adamson for an unknown period of time. In February 1994, Adamson filed for bankruptcy and subsequently ceased operations at the site. The name of the current owner of the site is DCA, located in Westminster, Maryland.
Contaminants at this Facility
DCA was able to demonstrate achievement of "clean closure" of both the soils and groundwater at the site in accordance with the RCRA performance standards for a landbased unit that is protective of human health and the environment.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
No Institutional Controls were required for the site.
Land Reuse Information at this Facility
The facility is unused.
Site Responsiblity at this Facility
RCRA Corrective Action activities at this facility are being conducted under the direction of the Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEQ) with assistance from EPA Region 3.