Hazardous Waste

Legislative and Regulatory Timeline for Cement Kiln Dust Waste

This timeline walks through the history of cement kiln dust (CKD) waste regulation since 1976 and includes information such as regulations, proposals, amendments and reports conducted.

Date(s) Action or Event Notes on Significance to Fossil Fuel Combustion Wastes


Enactment of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)  


EPA proposes first set of hazardous waste management standards Wastes from cement kiln dust is proposed to be designated as one of the six “special wastes”, which are exempt from RCRA Subtitle C regulations


Solid Waste Disposal Act Amendments enacted Bevill amendment added: temporarily exempts three special wastes from hazardous waste regulation until further study is completed


EPA promulgates interim final amendments to the hazardous waste regulations

Includes an exclusion for cement kiln dust from the definition of hazardous waste


EPA misses the statutory deadline for submitting cement kiln dust waste report to Congress  
03/8/1989 The Environmental Defense Fund files suit again EPA for missing the deadline  
06/19/1991 EPA agrees to complete report to Congress on cement kiln dust  
12/31/1993 EPA submits a report to Congress on Cement Kiln Dust  
02/07/1995 EPA issues its final regulatory determination for Cement Kiln Dust  
08/20/1999 EPA publishes “Standard for the Management of Cement Kiln dust; Proposed Rule”  
07/25/2002 EPA publishes a notice of data availability in the Federal Register Explains EPA is considering a new approach to cement kiln dust management