Hazardous Waste

Documents Pertaining to Remedy Implementation at Corrective Action Sites

The following documents assist in implementing remedies at Corrective Action facilities:

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  • Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) Scope of Work (PDF)(11 pp, 83 K, July 14, 2011)
    The Corrective Measures Implementation (CMI) consists of four tasks: corrective measures implementation work plan, corrective measure design, corrective measure construction, and reports. This Scope of Work sets forth the requirements for the implementation of the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the corrective measure or measures.
  • Expectation for Final Remedies at RCRA Corrective Action Facilities (PDF)(2 pp, 11 K, March 2000)
    Final remedies for RCRA Corrective Action facilities should be protective of human health and the environment, and maintain protection over time. In meeting this remedial goal, EPA has learned that certain combinations of facility-specific circumstances are often addressed by similar approaches. Based on this experience, the EPA has developed certain general expectations for remedies.
  • Final Remedy Selection for Results-Based RCRA Corrective Action (PDF)(10 pp, 61 K, March 2000)
    This fact sheet explains the difference between an “interim” and “final” remedy; the three performance standards that EPA believes all final remedies should achieve; how to identify the “best” remedy when one or more alternatives appear to be capable of achieving the three performance standards; EPA’s expectations for how thorough the evaluation of remedial alternatives needs to be; and, the roles and responsibilities in evaluating and selecting a final remedy.
  • Ecological Considerations of RCRA Corrective Action Remedies (PDF)(3 pp, 1 MB, August 28, 2009)
    The purpose of this memorandum is to: (1) confirm that, under existing regulations and guidance, ecological considerations are an integral part of Corrective Action under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), including the attendant final remedies, and (2) identify the various resource tools/guidance that may be used in conducting such assessments.