Delisting a Hazardous Waste
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) provides a process to remove, or “delist,” a waste generated at a facility from the list of hazardous wastes.
The regulations describing the delisting process are found in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in section 260.22.
This delisting process is initiated by the generator (the person who creates the waste), who prepares a petition for delisting the waste.
On this page:
- What is a hazardous waste delisting?
- How do I get a delisting for my waste?
- Where can I find out which wastes have been delisted?
- Key resources
What is a Hazardous Waste Delisting?
RCRA regulations provide a petition procedure to exclude or "delist" a particular facility's waste from the list of hazardous wastes if the waste does not possess the dangerous properties. While there are two general types of hazardous waste, characteristic and listed, only listed wastes can be delisted.
- Characteristic hazardous wastes are designated hazardous because they exhibit dangerous properties such as corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, or toxicity. Characteristic hazardous wastes cannot be delisted because of these dangerous properties.
- Listed hazardous wastes are designated hazardous because the processes that generate them have typically produced wastes with dangerous properties like those mentioned above for characteristic wastes. Listed wastes are presumed to possess dangerous properties because of historical knowledge of the waste-generating-process.
How Do I Get a Delisting for My Waste?
This delisting process is initiated by the generator (the person who creates the waste), who prepares a petition for delisting the waste. The petition provides information about the waste, including its chemical composition, to demonstrate the rationale for delisting the waste. The petition is reviewed by the appropriate regulatory agency -- either U.S. EPA or an authorized state hazardous waste regulatory agency -- to determine whether the waste should continue to be listed as hazardous.
To begin this process, the hazardous waste generator must determine to whom they must petition, the U.S. EPA regional office or the state environmental agency. U.S. EPA delegated the authority to delist hazardous waste generated and disposed of in certain states to the state environmental agency. The delisting process is different in each U.S. EPA region and in each state so it is key to contact your regional or state coordinator and discuss the delistings process with him or her first. Below is a listing of regional and state delistings coordinators:
- Region 1 - Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Sharon Leitch
(617) 918-1647
- Region 2 - New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Ernst Jabouin
(212) 637-4104
New Jersey Delistings New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste
(609) 633-1418
- Region 3 - Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Unassigned
(215) 814-5000 (Main Region 3 Phone Number)
Delaware Delistings Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control
Division of Waste Hazardous Substances
(302) 739-9403
District of Columbia Delistings District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment
(202) 535-2600
(202) 535-1909
Pennsylvania Delistings Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Management
(717) 783-2388
(717) 787-6239
West Virginia Delistings West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Water and Waste Management
(304) 926-0495
- Region 4 - Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator William Kappler
(404) 562-8498
Alabama Delistings Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Land Division
(334) 271-7730
Georgia Delistings Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Land Protection Branch
(404) 657-8600
Kentucky Delistings Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
Division of Waste Management
(502) 564-6716
Mississippi Delistings Mississippi Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Division
(601) 961-5682
North Carolina Delistings North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Waste Management
(919) 707-8200
- Region 5 - Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Illinois Delistings Coordinator Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Mark Crites
(217) 524-3269
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Mail Code 33
Springfield, IL 62794-9276
Indiana Delistings Coordinator Indiana Department of Environmental Management
John Naddi
(317) 233-0404
100 North Senate
Room 1101
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Michigan Delistings Coordinator Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
James Ferritto
(213) 876-4454
Note: Michigan considers delistings only for wastes that are treated, stored, or disposed of as part of closure or partial closure of a treatment, storage or disposal (TSD) facility or if the waste is contaminated soil deemed hazardous due to its mixture with a hazardous waste. For potential delistings of other hazardous wastes generated in Michigan, contact EPA Region 5.
Minnesota Delistings Coordinator Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Ainars Z. Silis
(651) 757-2724
520 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155
Ohio and Wisconsin Delistings Coordinators U.S. EPA RCRA Programs Branch
Todd Ramaly
(312) 353-9317
Christopher Lambesis
(312) 886-3583
77 West Jackson Blvd.
Mail Code LR-8J
Chicago, Illinois 60604
- Region 6 - Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinators Michelle Peace
(214) 665-7430
Alethea Tsui Bowen
(214) 665-7555
Louisiana Delistings Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Waste Permits Division
(225) 219-3181
Oklahoma Delistings Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Land Protection Division
(405) 702-5100
- Region 7 - Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Ken Herstowski
(913) 551-7631
Nebraska Delistings Nebraksa Department of Environmental Quality
Waste Management Division
(402) 471-2186
- Region 8 - Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Unassigned
(303) 312-6312 (Main Region 8 Phone Number)
Colorado Delistings Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division
(303) 692-3300
Montana Delistings Montana Department of Environmental Quality
Hazardous Waste Program
(406) 444-5300
North Dakota Delistings North Dakota Department of Health
Division of Waste Management
(701) 328-5166
South Dakota Delistings South Dakota Department of the Environment and Natural Resources
Waste Management Program
(605) 773-3153
Utah Delistings Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
(801) 536-0200
Wyoming Delistings Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Solid and Hazardous Waste Division
(307) 777-8937
- Region 9 - Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, American Samoa, Guam
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Karen Ueno
(415) 972-3317
- Region 10 - Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
EPA Regional Delistings Coordinator Dave Bartus
(206) 553-2804
Oregon Delistings Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Land Quality
(503) 234-3000
Idaho Delistings Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Waste Management and Remediation
(208) 373-0148
Where Can I Find Out Which Wastes Have Been Delisted?
To look up the facilities that successfully petitioned EPA for a delisting, view the Appendix IX of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations part 261.