EPA History: World Trade Center (9/11)

Press Releases
EPA Initiates Emergency Response Activities, Reassures Public about Environmental Hazards (en español)
[EPA press release - September 13, 2001] -
Whitman Details Ongoing Agency Efforts to Monitor Disaster Sites, Contribute to Cleanup Efforts (en español)
[EPA press release - September 18, 2001] -
EPA Disaster Response Update NYC Monitoring Efforts Continue to Show Safe Drinking Water, Air
[EPA press release - September 21, 2001] -
EPA and OSHA Web Sites Provide Environmental Monitoring Data from World Trade Center and Surrounding Areas
[EPA press release - October 3, 2001] -
Whitman Announces Water Protection Task Force
[EPA press release - October 5, 2001] -
New York State Cleans Up Diesel Engines in Lower Manhattan
[EPA press release - October 10, 2002] -
EPA Releases a Draft Health Evaluation of the Effects from the Destruction of the World Trade Center
[EPA press release - December 26, 2002] -
World Trade Center Cleanup a Highlight of RCRA National Meeting in Washington This Month
[EPA press release - January 4, 2002] -
EPA Opens New Environmental Emergency Response Center
[EPA press release - February 6, 2003] -
Public Comment Period Extended by 30 Days on Draft Exposure and Human Health Evaluation of Airborne Pollution from the World Trade Center Disaster
[EPA press release - February 27, 2003] -
EPA Administrator Whitman Launches National Initiative to Promote Land Reuse and Redevelopment - Expanding the Brownfields Program to All Cleanup Programs
[EPA press release - April 9, 2003]
More Resources
EPA's Response to September 11 website is in EPA's web archive Search EPA Archive
Report: Toxicological Effects of Fine Particulate Matter Derived from the Destruction of the World Trade Center (PDF) (62pp, 1.8M, About PDF)
Exposure and Human Health Evaluation of Airborne Pollution from the World Trade Center Disaster
EPA National Center for Environmental Assessment