EPA History: Pesticides

The unlinked titles below are now in the EPA Archive. To find a title in the archive, click on the Search EPA Archive button and copy the name of the title into the search box on the archive home page. To ensure the best search results, be sure to put quotes around the name of the title.
Press Releases and Speeches
EPA to Ask for Comments on New Pesticides Law
[EPA press release - November 8, 1972] -
Train Stops Manufacture of Heptachlor/Chlordane, Cites Imminent Cancer Risk
[EPA press release - July 30, 1975] -
EPA Acts to Ban EDB Pesticide
[EPA press release - September 30, 1983] -
EPA Sets Standards for FIFRA, TSCA Lab Tests
[EPA press release - November 1, 1983] -
EPA Approves First Use in Environment of Genetically Altered Bacteria
[EPA press release - November 14, 1985] -
FIFRA Amendments of 1988
[EPA press release - October 26, 1988] -
Daminozide (Alar) Pesticide Canceled for Food Uses
[EPA press release - November 7, 1989] -
Dursban Announcement
by Carol M. Browner [EPA speech - June 8, 2000]