EPA History: Clean Water Act
The unlinked material below is now in the EPA Archive. To find the material, click on the Search EPA Archive button and copy the name of the document into the search box on the archive home page. To ensure the best search results, be sure to put quotes around the name of the document.
Statement by Douglas M. Costle on Enactment of the Clean Water Act of 1977
[EPA press release - December 28, 1977] -
The Meaning of the 1977 Clean Water Act
[EPA Journal - July/August 1978] -
EPA Announces Guidance on State Revolving Funds for Sewage Treatment
[EPA press release - February 2, 1988]
Related Resources
EPA History: Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972
25th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act
Remarks by Carol M. Browner, October 17, 1997