EPA History: Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990

Press Releases, Articles and Administrator Remarks
The unlinked material below is now in the EPA Archive. To find the material, click on the Search EPA Archive button and copy the name of the document into the search box on the archive home page. To ensure the best search results, be sure to put quotes around the name of the document.
EPA Administrator Reilly Hails Signing of New Clean Air Act
[EPA press release - November 15, 1990] -
Highlights of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
[EPA Journal - January/February 1991] -
The New Clean Air Act: An Environmental Milestone
[EPA Journal - January/February 1991] -
New EPA Rule Gives Every American Right to Buy and Sell Acid Rain Emissions
[EPA press release - December 5, 1991] -
Benzene Violations Targeted in Environmental Enforcement Actions
[EPA press release - August 5, 1992] -
New Oxygenated Fuels Program
[EPA press release - October 30, 1992] -
EPA Announces Final Rule on Acid Rain Emission Trading
[EPA press release - March 5, 1993] -
EPA Regulates Dry Cleaners in First Air Toxics Rule Under New Clean Air Act
[EPA press release - September 14, 1993] -
EPA Announces Biggest Air Toxic Reduction in Agency History
[EPA press release - March 1, 1994] -
EPA Expands Open-Market Trading of Acid Rain Credits
[EPA press release - March 20, 1995] -
EPA Protects Millions of Americans From Petroleum Refinery Air Toxics
[EPA press release - July 28, 1995] -
EPA Tightens Standards for Air Emissions from Hazardous Waste Combustors
[EPA press release - July 30, 1999] -
New Report Shows Benefits of 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments Outweigh Costs by Four-to-One Margin
[EPA press release - November 16, 1999] -
Remarks by the President at Clean Car Event
[EPA press release - December 21, 1999] - Reduced Sulfur Content in Diesel Fuel
[EPA speech - May 17, 2000]