EPA History: Clean Air Act of 1970/1977

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The Clean Air Act of 1970
by Paul G. Rogers [EPA Journal - January/February 1990]
Press Releases
Hearings Set on Automobile Pollution Control
[EPA press release - March 4, 1971] -
EPA Sets National Air Quality Standards
[EPA press release - April 30, 1971] -
EPA Approves First State Clean Air Plans
[EPA press release - August 13, 1971] -
EPA Defines Air Pollution Danger Levels
[EPA press release - October 19, 1971] -
EPA Sets Auto Maintenance Regulations
[EPA press release - June 4, 1973] -
Transportation Controls Established in Major Urban Areas to Lower Air Pollution Levels
[EPA press release - October 15, 1973] -
EPA Issues "Significant Deterioration" Regulations
[EPA press release - November 27, 1974] -
Federal Government Will Not Award Contracts, Grants, or Loans to Water and Air Polluters
[EPA press release - April 17, 1975] -
Working Catalysts Required on Imported Cars
[EPA press release - July 16, 1975] -
Statement by Douglas M. Costle on Passage of Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977
[EPA press release - August 5, 1977] -
EPA Announces New Rules on Industrial Growth in Clean Air Areas
[EPA press release - June 13, 1978] -
EPA Sets New National Air Pollution Standard for Lead
[EPA press release - September 29, 1978] -
EPA Imposes First Federal Funding Limitations to Spur Auto Inspection Programs
[EPA press release - March 1, 1980] -
EPA Announces National Strategy for Toxic Air Pollutants
[EPA press release - June 4, 1985] -
EPA Outlines Actions to be Taken with States Not Meeting Clean Air Standards
[EPA press release - April 7, 1987]