Greening EPA

Region 5 Office

Photo looking up at EPA’s Region 5 Office in Chicago, Illinois.

420,178 rentable square feet (RSF)
Personnel: 1,489

Energy Intensity:
FY 2015: 44,327 Btu per RSF

Water Intensity:
FY 2015: 9.62 gallons per RSF

Chicago, Illinois

EPA’s Region 5 office, located in the Metcalfe Federal Building, covers Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin and 35 Tribal Nations.

Sustainable Features

  • The Metcalfe Federal Building was awarded the ENERGY STAR® in 1999 with a score of 77, in 2007 with a score of 80 and in 2012 with a score of 84.

For more information, visit the Region 5 website, or the EPA Facility Contact List.