Headquarters Facilities at Federal Triangle

1,878,453 rentable square feet (RSF)
Personnel: 5,186
Energy Intensity:
FY 2015: 74,625 Btu per RSF
Water Intensity:
FY 2015: 6.50 gallons per RSF
Washington, DC
EPA’s Federal Triangle Headquarters office buildings include the William Jefferson Clinton (WJC) Building North, South, East, West and Connecting Wing, as well as portions of the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. In addition to the Federal Triangle facilities, EPA has Headquarters offices in Potomac Yard One and Two in Arlington, Virginia.
Sustainable Features
- WJC East and West received the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® for Existing Buildings (version 2009) certification in December 2013. WJC North and South received LEED Silver for Existing Buildings (version 2009) certification in July 2013.
- WJC East, West and Connecting Wing earned the ENERGY STAR® in 2012 with a score of 81. WJC North and South earned the ENERGY STAR in 2011 with a score of 88.
- The U.S. General Services Administration replaced more than 1,000 conventional incandescent light bulbs in the historic light fixtures throughout WJC with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs).
- WJC is demonstrating low impact development (LID) and sustainable stormwater management practices to reduce the volume, discharge rate and pollution levels of its stormwater run-off and demonstrate how sustainable design and LID can be used in urban sites with aesthetic design requirements.
For more information, visit Headquarters Facilities at Federal Triangle or the EPA Facility Contact List.