Executive Order 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade
Executive Order (EO) 13693 was signed March 19, 2015. EO 13693 introduces new requirements and expands upon requirements established by EO 13514, EO 13423, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct 2005), and the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007.
Following are some of the goals EO 13693 requires federal agencies to achieve:
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction and Reporting
- Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
- Green Building Peformance
- Water and Stormwater Management
- Fleet Performance
- Employee Commuting and Workplace Travel
- Climate Change Resiliency
- Sustainable Acquisition
- Solid Waste Diversion and Pollution Prevention
- Performance Contracting
- Electronics Stewardship
- Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction and Reporting
- Establish new reduction targets for Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions to be achieved by fiscal year (FY) 2025 compared to an FY 2008 baseline.
- Report annually a comprehensive inventory and progress towards GHG emission reduction goals.
Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy
- Reduce energy intensity (measured in British thermal units per gross square foot) 2.5 percent annually through FY 2025, compared to a baseline year of FY 2015.
- Use renewable electric energy for 30 percent of total building electricity use by FY 2025.
- Use renewable electric energy and alternative energy for 25 percent of total building energy use by FY 2025.
Green Building Performance
- Begin planning for energy, water and waste net zero buildings:
- Achieve energy net zero (and water or waste net zero, where feasible) by FY 2030 in all new construction of federal buildings greater than 5,000 gross square feet that enter the planning process in FY 2020 or later.
- Identify a percentage of existing buildings greater than 5,000 gross square feet that will be energy, waste or water net zero buildings by FY 2025.
- Achieve compliance with the revised Guiding Principles in 15 percent (or more) of existing buildings by FY 2025.
- Incorporate climate-resilient design and management elements into all new construction, renovation, alteration and repair of agency buildings.
Water and Stormwater Management
- Reduce potable water intensity by 2 percent annually through FY 2025 in comparison to an FY 2007 baseline.
- Install water meters and collect building water balance data.
- Reduce nonpotable water use 2 percent annually by FY 2025 compared to an FY 2010 baseline.
- Install green infrastructure features for stormwater and wastewater management.
Fleet Performance
- Reduce GHG emissions per mile 30 percent by FY 2025, compared to an FY 2014 baseline.
Employee Commuting and Workplace Travel
- Promote sustainable commuting and work-related travel practices, including vehicle charging, telecommuting, teleconferencing, carpooling and public transportation.
Climate Change Resiliency
- Incorporate climate-resilient design and management elements into the operation, repair and renovation of existing buildings and design of new buildings.
- Note: Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plans are required under EO 13653.
Sustainable Acquisition
- Purchase sustainable and environmentally preferable products and services identified by EPA or the U.S. Department of Energy.
Solid Waste Diversion and Pollution Prevention
- Divert at least 50 percent of non-hazardous solid waste annually.
- Divert at least 50 percent of non-hazardous construction and demolition debris.
- Minimize the quantity of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials acquired, used or disposed.
Performance Contracting
- Utilize performance contracting as an important tool to help meet identified energy efficiency and management goals while deploying life-cycle cost-effective energy efficiency and clean energy technology and water conservation measures.
- Provide annual agency targets for performance contracting for energy savings.
Electronics Stewardship
- Ensure procurement preference for environmentally sustainable electronic products.
- Establish and implement policies to enable power management, duplex printing and other energy-efficient or environmentally sustainable features on electronic products.
- Dispose of all agency excess or surplus electronic products in an environmentally sound manner.
Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan
- Develop, implement and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan.
- Read EPA’s Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan.