GreenChill Industry Resources and Reports

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This page contains:
- Refrigerant Leak Prevention and Detection
- Sustainability Trends
- The Supermarket Industry
- Environmental Impact Studies
- Low GWP Refrigerants
- Ozone Depletion and Climate Change
- Other Useful Links
Refrigerant Leak Prevention and Detection:
- Emerson E360 Webinar: Understanding Leak Detection and Implementing Effective Programs
- Refrigeration Management at Giant Eagle
- RealZero (UK): Illustrated Guide to 13 Common Leaks
- RealZero (UK): Designing out Leaks: Design Standards and Practices
- RealZero (UK): Guide to Good Leak Testing
- The Institute of Refrigeration: Reducing refrigerant emissions and leakage
Sustainability Trends:
- GreenBiz: State of Green Business Exit
- CCRRC: Sustainability in Retailing (PDF) (145pp, 6.6M) Exit
- Environmental Practices Inventory: 2009 Survey of Minnesota Grocers (PDF) (22pp, 2.5M) Exit
- ASHRAE’s Sustainability Roadmap: The approach to defining a leadership position in sustainability (PDF) (24pp, 373K) Exit
- GMA: Finding the green in today’s shoppers: Sustainability trends and new shopper insights (PDF) (28pp, 1.72K) Exit
The Supermarket Industry:
- EIA: HFC-Free Technologies are Available in the US Market for the Supermarket-Retail Refrigeration Sector Exit
- GTZ/Proklima International: Good Practices in Refrigeration Exit
- EPA: Transitioning to Low-GWP Alternatives in Commercial Refrigeration (PDF) (5 pp, 1.8MB)
- Bohn/Heatcraft Refrigeration Products: Secondary Loop Systems for the Supermarket Industry
- EIA: Chilling Facts IV: HFC-free cooling goes mainstream Exit
- EIA: Chilling Facts II: The supermarket refrigeration scandal continues Exit
- EIA: Chilling Facts Exit
- EPA: U.S. Commercial Supermarket Refrigeration Systems
Environmental Impact Studies:
- RSES Journal: Understanding Refrigerant Blend Performance, Part 1
- RSES Journal: Refrigerant Blends: The impact of temperature Glide, Part 2
- RSES Journal: Refrigerant Blends: P-T Charts and System Troubleshooting, Part 3
- Carbon Trust: Refrigeration Roadmap (PDF)
- UBA Study: Comparative assessment of the climate relevance of supermarket refrigeration systems and equipment
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Study: Energy and Global Warming Impacts of HFC Refrigerants and Emerging Technologies
Low-GWP Refrigerants:
- Carrefour Group: Roll out and Experience with Natural Refrigerants (PDF) (36 pp, 3.97 MB) Exit
- Marks and Spencer: Experience with alternative refrigerants (PDF) (16 pp, 6.56 MB) Exit
- Coop Norway: Natural Refrigerants Strategy (PDF) (18 pp, 1.62 MB) Exit
- Migros: CO2 as a standard refrigerant: Obstacles and lessons learned (PDF) (11 pp, 676 KB) Exit
- Fakta Supermarkets: Second Generation CO2 (PDF) (9 pp, 1.44 MB) Exit
- UL: Revisiting Flammable Refrigerants (PDF)
- 9th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference 2010: Ammonia and CO2 Combined Package Systems for Commercial and Industrial Applications
- Australian Green Cooling Council: Transcritical CO2 (R744) Supermarket Refrigeration in Australia(PDF) Exit
- Star Refrigeration Limited: New, Natural, and Alternative Refrigerants
- ASHRAE: Carbon Dioxide in North American Supermarkets
- AIRAH: Natural Refrigerants: Case Studies Exit
- ASHRAE Position Document on Natural Refrigerants
- ASHRAE: Position Paper on Ammonia as a Refrigerant
- Danfoss: CO2 is keeping Supermarkets Cool (PDF) (3pp, 3.47M) Exit
Ozone Depletion and Climate Change:
- NOAA: Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010
- UNEP: Out of the Maze: Montreal Protocol, Climate Benefits and the Green Economy (PDF) (24pp, 5.5m) Exit
- National Climate Data Center: The State of the Climate: 2009 Highlights
- UNEP: New report highlights two-way link between ozone layer and climate change Exit
- EIA: Turning Up the Heat: Linkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change: The urgent case of HCFC and HFCs (PDF) (16pp, 2M) Exit
- PNAS: The Importance of the Montreal Protocol in protecting climate Exit
- Velders et al: Factsheet: The large contribution of projected HFC emissions to future climate forcing (PDF)
- Velders et al: The large contribution of projected HFC emissions to future climate forcing (PDF)
Useful Links:
- Supermarket Industry Q&A on R-22 Use
- Science of Ozone Depletion
- Health and Environmental Effects of Ozone Layer Depletion
- Lists of Ozone-Depleting Substances
- List of Substitutes for Ozone-Depleting Refrigerants in Retail Food Refrigeration
- Retail Industry Portal
- RealZero Exit
- Food Marketing Institute Exit
- California Grocers Association Exit