GreenChill Benefits

Through the GreenChill Partnership, food retailers profit from a variety of benefits, leading many companies to have a competitive advantage within the industry. Benefits range from environmental and economic to informational and promotional, and are discussed in more detail below.
- Environmental Benefits
The GreenChill Partnership helps decrease the environmental impact of commercial refrigeration systems on the ozone layer and climate change. GreenChill assists Partners in developing and attaining corporate environmental stewardship and sustainability goals. During the first year of membership, GreenChill Partners on average reduce their corporate refrigerant emissions by almost 10%.
GreenChill also encourages emission reductions at individual stores through its Store Certification Program. To achieve GreenChill certification, a store must emit at least 65% less refrigerant than the average supermarket.
Consumers want to do business with companies that share their environmental values. As a GreenChill partner, your environmental achievements are measured, certified, and reported to the public for you!
- Economic Benefits
Refrigerant leaks can have a costly impact on your company’s bottom line. The amount of refrigerant leaked from a commercial refrigeration system eventually needs to be replaced. Leaky systems also require maintenance and repairs that come at a high cost. By eliminating refrigerant emissions now, you are saving your company time and money down the road.
Regulatory requirements may also eventually have a monetary impact on your company’s success. Preparing for upcoming and anticipated legislation now will reduce your need for costly refrigerant retrofits in the future.
- Other Benefits
The GreenChill Partnership provides Partners with the support and information to strategically reduce emissions and save money. Partners have access to state-of-the-art EPA research, including a theoretical study on advanced refrigeration technologies and EPA/industry field tests on substitute refrigerants and advanced refrigeration technologies. Partners are also provided with tools such as best practice guidelines and information on new technologies and servicing practices.
Through regular meetings, Partners have the opportunity to ask questions and share information among each other. Through information sharing and GreenChill’s benchmarking system, Partners are able to evaluate their relative progress towards individual environmental goals.
To highlight this progress, each year Partners are presented with awards that recognize their outstanding achievements and efforts towards reaching their environmental goals. Sharing these accomplishments and achievements with the public is an important aspect of the GreenChill Partnership. In addition to awards and plaques, Partners have access to a variety of marketing materials to highlight their participation in the GreenChill Partnership, including in-store banners as well as T-shirts and hats.
How will GreenChill Benefit You?
- Receive Analytical Support
Each year GreenChill partners submit refrigerant data to EPA and receive individualized refrigerant analyses. These confidential reports show changes in refrigerant use, emissions rates, and other metrics over time, and compare each supermarket partner to others in the GreenChill Partnership honoring confidentiality. These data help partners judge the effectiveness of their technology choices, maintenance programs, and operational practices and help make long-term plans.
- Access Best Practices
Improve your operational, maintenance, and refrigeration equipment knowledge. GreenChill’s best practice guidelines and webinar series share current information to help you choose the best options for your supermarket.
- Save Money
Refrigerant leaks hurt your bottom line. GreenChill partners share tips for reducing the dollars you spend replacing leaked refrigerant and avoiding the expensive maintenance and repairs that come with leaky systems.
- Build Your Network
Partners establish valuable connections with other supermarkets, equipment manufacturers, refrigerant producers, service contractors, and EPA. Partners are invited to participate in exclusive partner roundtables, learn about new products and technologies through GreenChill webinars, and connect at conferences. Partners also benefit from easy access to EPA staff.
- Demonstrate Sustainability
GreenChill helps partners set and meet refrigerant emissions reduction goals, achieve corporate sustainability objectives, and learn about related sustainability activities. GreenChill helps stores communicate to customers about environmental achievements and sustainable practices.
- Certify Stores & Earn Recognition
GreenChill Partners lead the way in GreenChill’s Store Certification Program. Partners are eligible to earn special EPA recognition for their certification and other environmental achievements at GreenChill’s annual ceremony.
- Prepare for the Future
All GreenChill activities, especially GreenChill’s annual refrigerant data reports and best practices sharing, help partners to develop long-term refrigeration management plans, and anticipate industry changes. This includes planning for changing technologies and refrigerants. EPA staff can provide one-on-one support and guidance.