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2015 Environmental Achievement Awards Ceremony

2015_hannaford_superior_goal_paul_duperrePaul DuPerre of Hannaford receives a Superior Emissions Reduction Goal Achievement award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_harris_teeter_superior_most_improved_michal_shepardMichal Shepard of Harris Teeter receives a Superior Emissions Reduction Goal Achievement award and a Most Improved Emissions Rate award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_hyvee_superior_exceptionalMark Brauer of Hy-Vee receives a Superior Emissions Reduction Goal Achievement award and an Exceptional Emissions Reduction Goal Achievement award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_brookshiregrocery_mostimproved-baseline_chad_crowChad Crow of Brookshire Grocery Company receives a Most Improved Emissions Rate award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_staterbros_best_emission_rate_3re-certs_scott_limbacheScott Limbacher of Stater Bros. Supermarkets receives a Best Emissions Rate award and three Store Re-Certification Excellence awards from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015-sprouts_farmers_market-bestofbest-storecertexcel-storere-cert_mark_rotnerMark Rotner of Sprouts Farmers Market receives the Best of the Best (Best Certified Store) award, a Store Certification Excellence award, and a Store Re-Certification Excellence award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_hillphoenix_storecertexcellence_scott_martinScott Martin of Hillphoenix receives a Store Certification Excellence award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_wegmans_re-cert_walter_strassburgWalter Strassburg of Wegmans receives a Store Re-Certification Excellence award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015-whole_foods_market-storerecert_tristam_coffinTristam Coffin of Whole Foods receives a Store Re-Certification Excellence award from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_food_lion_distinguished_partner_wayne_rosaWayne Rosa of Food Lion receives the Distinguished Partner award on behalf of his colleague Nick Cordasci, from Tom Land of the EPA GreenChill Program. 
2015_greenchill_team_rebecca_tomTom Land and Rebecca von dem Hagen of the EPA GreenChill Program.