2013 Environmental Achievement Awards Ceremony

Tom Land of EPA, Paul DuPerre of Hannaford, and Marc-Andre Lesmerises of Carnot Refrigeration with the Best of the Best Award for the Transcritical CO2 Store in Turner, Maine.

Tom Land of EPA with Scott Martin of Hillphoenix and their Store Certification Excellence Award.

Tom Land of EPA and Stephen Mitchell of King Kullen. King Kullen earned Goal Achievement and Superior Goal Achievement emissions reduction awards.

Tom Land of EPA and Kevin St. Phillips of Price Chopper. Price Chopper earned the Most Improved Emissions Rate Award, and an emissions reduction Goal Achievement Award.

Tom Land of EPA with Wayne Rosa of Food Lion. Food Lion earned a Goal Achievement emissions reduction award.

Tom Land of EPA, Kevin Small of Weis Markets, and Diana Escher EPA’s Region 3 Air Protection Director. Weis earned the Distinguished Partner Award and an emissions reduction Goal Achievement Award.

Tom Land of EPA and Randy Walthers of Raley's. Raley's Petaluma, CA location earned the first ever Store Re-Certification Excellence Award.