Partners in Restoring Lower Green Bay/Fox River AOC

There are several opportunities for the public to become more educated about the Lower Green Bay/Fox River AOC:

  • a "water action volunteers" monitoring project in the Green Bay school system
  • RAP and water quality education exhibits at the Green Bay Metropolitan Boat Launch and Neville Public Museum
  • a RAP exhibit at area expositions like the home and garden show and sports fishing show
  • an annual river/bay cleanup day
  • development of a mass media campaign for nonpoint source pollution prevention using an animated team of characters called the "Clean Bay Backers."

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Brown County Land and Water Conservation Department works to implement habitat restoration projects in the AOC. One of these projects is the restoration of the Baird Creek watershed, which is located in the Lower Fox River basin.

The University of Wisconsin Extension helps to implement remedial actions such as the aesthetics monitoring program. Information regarding the Citizen Advisory Committee can also be found here. The Citizen Advisory Committee is the principal link between RAP partners and the community. It represents public, private and nonprofit interests within the AOC. The committee identified the ten most pressing problems that should be addressed in the RAP, defined a desired future state for lower Green Bay and the Fox River and advises on recommended remedial actions.

WDNR works closely with the EPA to manage the remedial action plan for the AOC. They work directly with several of the restoration projects occurring in the AOC, including Cat Island, Baird Creek and west shore northern pike habitat.