Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes

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EPA is pleased to announce the FY 2016 Guidance for Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes that complement existing funding established under environmental statutes to support implementation of high priority activities. For states and territories, this funding is available to support implementation of air and state-led climate activities and other state-defined high priority activities. Funding is also available to tribes that have obtained authorization to develop water quality standards. Through these grants, EPA and its state and tribal partners will advance collective priorities to deliver environmental and public health results across the nation. More specific details about this grant funding are available in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Grant Guidance for Multipurpose Grants to States and Tribes


The FY 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act provides $21,000,000 ($20,809,000 with rescission applied) for EPA to issue grants to states and tribes to assist with implementing environmental programs. The explanatory statement accompanying the Act says that “Funds allow States and Tribes to have the flexibility to direct resources for the implementation of high priority activities, including the processing of permits, which complement programs under established environmental statutes.” The Appropriations Act provides the authority for this new grant program. There is no match or cost share requirement for this funding.

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For States and Territories:

  • A total of $19.8 million is available for states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa.
  • All are eligible for a specific funding amount that includes: a base amount, an amount based on each state’s share of Clean Air Act (CAA) major source permits as of 2015, and an amount based on each state’s share of EPA’s total FY 2015 categorical grant funding.
    • 65 percent of their funding will be available to support core air regulatory work, including but not limited to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) implementation, including designations and State Implementation Plans (SIPs); CAA permitting (excluding Title V permitting); and, state-led activities to address climate change.
    • 35 percent of their funding will be available for high priority activities identified by individual states eligible under existing federal environmental statutes.
  • States and territories who submit workplans or workplan amendments consistent with the multipurpose grant guidance and approved by their respective EPA region will receive the full amount for which they are eligible.
  • To maximize efficiency for all parties, resources may be added to Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) where available and desired.

For Tribes:

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