National Forum on Contaminants in Fish

2014 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish

The EPA sponsors the National Forum on Contaminants in Fish to bring together interested stakeholders in public health and environmental professionals from states, tribes, and other groups to discuss the many issues related to contaminants in fish. EPA has held 12 forums since 1990.

2014 National Fish Forum

The EPA hosted the 2014 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish on September 22-24, 2014 in Alexandria, Virginia. The event brought together:

  • Representatives from state, tribal, and federal agencies
  • Representatives from industry
  • Environmental advocacy groups
  • Community representatives
  • Healthcare organizations
  • Academia

to present and discuss the latest science and public health policies pertaining to the health risks and benefits of fish consumption. The sessions included a variety of perspectives and approaches to assessing and communicating public health risks and benefits related to fish contamination.

Major plenary and poster sessions addressed: 
  • Fish Sampling and Analysis
  • Risk Assessment and Toxicology
  • Health Benefits and Risk Management
  • Risk Communication
  • Risks and Benefits

2009 National Fish Forum

This document provides the proceedings of the 2009 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish, held in Portland, Oregon November 2-5, 2009. It contains abstracts of the presentations, copies of the slides used by presenters, transcriptions of questions and answers raised, and other information presented at the Forum.

2009 National Fish Forum Proceedings (ZIP)(1 pg, 67 MB)

2007 National Fish Forum

This document provides the proceedings of the 2007 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish, held in Portland, Maine July 23-26, 2007. It contains abstracts of presentations, copies of the slides used by presenters, transcriptions of questions and answers raised, and other information presented at the Forum.

2007 National Fish Forum Proceedings (ZIP)(1 pg, 18 MB)

2005 National Fish Forum

This document provides the proceedings of the 2005 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish, held in Baltimore, Maryland September 18-21, 2005. It contains abstracts of presentations, copies of the slides used by presenters, transcriptions of questions and answers raised, and other information presented at the Forum.

2004 National Fish Forum

This document provides the proceedings of the 2005 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish, held in San Diego, California January 25-28, 2004. It contains abstracts of presentations, copies of the slides used by presenters, transcriptions of questions and answers raised, and other information presented at the Forum.

2002 National Fish Forum

Representatives of 47 states, 30 tribes, 6 federal agencies, several Canadian provinces and other interested organizations attended the 2002 Forum on Contaminants in Fish sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency and convened by the American Fisheries Society in Burlington Vermont.

The agenda was developed by a steering committee with representatives of states, tribes, federal agencies and the AFS. The steering committee developed an agenda that presents a variety of perspectives and approaches to the difficult issues facing states and tribes, including how to address cumulative risks and mixtures; risks to those most exposed; and the need to integrate perspectives and responsibilities of health and environment agencies. The Forum also included topical breakout sessions for more in-depth presentations and discussion on Sunday, along with the regional breakouts that have been customary. The forum also included a poster and information exchange session.

This document presents the proceedings of the Forum. It includes summaries of all presentations in the plenary session, copies of slides presented, a list of participants, and other information about the forum. Additional copies are available from the American Fisheries Society in Bethesda, Maryland.

2002 National Fish Forum Proceedings (ZIP)(1 pg, 17 MB)

2001 National Fish Forum


Sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Health in partnership with the EPA, this forum was held in conjunction with the two-day National Risk Communication Conference. 356 participants attended the Forum and Conference (representing 49 states and 52 Native American tribal organizations, federal agencies, universities and private organizations).

Attendees listened to presentations and participated in regional breakout sessions to discuss state and tribal fish consumption advisory programs; consistency of these programs with each other and with EPA guidance, particularly with respect to mercury; and regional issues and concerns to be communicated to EPA's Office of Water.

Presenters at the 2001 Forum spoke on a range of topics within two broad categories: chemical updates and linkages between the Fish Advisory and Water Quality Standards programs.

Proceedings from the National Risk Communication Conference

The first national conference on risk communication addressed the risks of consuming chemically contaminated fish. The conference was convened by the Minnesota Department of Health and EPA's National Fish Advisory Program. The Society for Risk Analysis also cosponsored the meeting. Participants from across the country shared information on risk communication methods that are effective for populations exposed to and susceptible to chemical contaminants in fish, especially those who may have difficulty receiving, understanding, or accepting risk information.

The purpose of the conference was to develop recommendations on risk communication techniques that are effective in reaching specific audiences and informing them of the risks from eating contaminated fish. (A complete description of the conference goals and objectives is provided in Part VI, Appendix A, of the proceedings document.)

1999 National Fish Forum

The fourth Forum on Contaminants in Fish took place during October 18-20, 1999 in Alexandria, Virginia. This conference, which was sponsored by American Fisheries Society (AFS) in partnership with us, was attended by 120 individuals representing 41 states, 7 federal agencies, 14 Native American organizations, 3 universities, and 10 private organizations.

During the three-day conference, attendees listened to presentations from 17 speakers, participated in breakout sessions to discuss state fish consumption advisory programs and the consistency of these programs with our guidance, and discussed the communication of fish advisories during a workshop focusing on what has and has not worked to communicate health risk information on contaminants in fish.

Invited speakers at the 1999 forum presented information on a range of topics that have been grouped into six main categories:

  1. Effectiveness of fish advisories;
  2. Tribal Issues;
  3. Arctic monitoring of environmental contaminants;
  4. Chemical updates;
  5. Comparative dietary risk; and
  6. National consistency of fish advisory programs.

1997 National Fish Forum

The third Forum on Contaminants in Fish took place during December 8-10, 1997 in Alexandria, Virginia. This conference, which was sponsored by American Fisheries Society (AFS) in partnership with EPA, was attended by individuals representing 46 states, 9 federal agencies, 32 Native American tribes, and others from academia, industry, environmental organizations and Canada.

The conference began with a full day training session on advisory development for 32 tribal representatives. During the rest of the conference, all attendees listened to presentations from 33 subject matter experts and participated in discussions on matters related to:

  1. Presentation and Responses to the 1997 Action Plan on Federal Assistance for Advisory Programs
  2. Awareness and Effectiveness of Fish Advisories
  3. Comparative Dietary Risk
  4. Mercury and Health Issues
  5. Methods for Developing and Communicating Mercury Advisories