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Base Closure at Federal Facilities


The purpose of the 2010 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish responsibilities and funding for EPA's assistance and support in accelerating environmental restoration and cleanup decisions in support of reuse at selected Department of Defense (DoD) BRAC Rounds I-IV installations. If you need assistance in obtaining the content of this document, please contact Mary Cooke (cooke.maryt@epa.gov) or by phone at (703)-603-8712.

Under the Base Realignment and Closure Act of 2005 (BRAC) a number of communities have military installations that are slated to close. Turning Bases Into Great Places: New Life for Closed Military Facilities outlines the steps for creating a redevelopment vision using smart-growth principles.

EPA helps accelerate the transfer of federal property by coordinating environmental cleanup activities and crafting innovative property transfer arrangements.