Exposure Assessment Models

Meteorological Data - Nebraska

Daily and hourly meteorological data are available for each of the weather stations listed below. To view the metadata for a data set from your Web browser, click on the corresponding file name with a ".txt" extension. The metadata lists the format of the daily and hourly files and the time frame in which data was collected.

Click on a file name with a ".exe" extension to download a compressed, self-extracting weather station data set and its corresponding metadata file.

Download Files
Station Name Daily Value
Files (1 MB)
Hourly Value
Files (7 MB)
Grand Island w14935d.exe w14935h.exe w14935.txt
Norfolk w14941d.exe w14941h.exe w14941.txt
North Platte w24023d.exe w24023h.exe w24023.txt
Omaha N WSFO w94918d.exe w94918h.exe w94918.txt
Scottsbluff w24028d.exe w24028h.exe w24028.txt