Exposure Assessment Models

HSPF Release Notes

Version: 11.00

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions
  • Recompiled and rebuilt all AIDE library (binary) files (HSPF, HSPDSS, WDM, ADWDM, UTIL, HEC) for version 3.0x using Lahey FORTRAN 32-bit, protected mode compiler, and Phar-lap linker version 5.01.
  • Updated INSTALIT/MediaBuilder code and logic for product version description (.PVD) and installation (.INF) script files. Implemented numerous code changes to correct minor problems and added features/enhancements.
  • Updated Lahey FORTRAN MAKE utility files (MAKEFILE) for the AIDE library FORTRAN source code group files, and the HSPF model FORTRAN source code.
  • Recompiled and relinked executable task image program file for the HSPF model, version 11.00, using Lahey FORTRAN 32-bit, protected mode compiler and Phar-lap linker.
  • Included new executable task image file (XHSPFX.EXE) and updated run time support programs and files.
  • Included updated test output data files within the OUTPUT sub-directory to test the installation of the HSPF model.
  • Modified and updated the following HSPF and ANNIE run time support programs and files:
    • HSPF.BAT - HSPF model execution DOS command file
    • ANNIE.BAT - ANNIE program execution DOS command file
    • HSPFOPEN.SCR - HSPF model welcome screen file
    • ANNEOPEN.SCR - ANNIE program welcome screen file
  • Application revisions to the HSPF model system, version 11.00, are included in the file UPDATE.TXT (HSPF Model System Update Notes).This document is available as an ASCII file in the README subdirectory. Refer to file READ.ME in the README subdirectory for further information on the storage format and printing requirements of this file.
  • Included application user's manual "Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN, User's Manual for Release 11". This document is available in WordPerfect 5.1; files HSPF_V11.001, HSPF_V11.002, HSPF_V11.003, HSPF_V11.004, HSPF_V11.005, HSPF_V11.006, and HSPF_V11.007 within the DOCUMENT subdirectory. Refer to file READ.ME in the README subdirectory for further information on the storage format and requirements and printing specifications of the user's manual files.
  • The following summary of major scientific and application changes is intended for current users of HSPF. It is designed to inform them of new features and changes that may be required for existing HSPF input files to operate under the new version. The user is encouraged to refer to the HSPF User's Manual for additional information. NOTE: All references to the term "block" in the following paragraphs refer to sections of the HSPF user's control input (UCI) file. The maximum number of operations that can be active in a run has been increased from 75 to 200. Each operation in an HSPF run is activated by adding a line containing the operation type and ID number to the OPN SEQUENCE block; the maximum number of non-comment lines in this block has been increased from 75 to 200 which allows larger and more complex watersheds to be simulated in a single run.
    • Atmospheric deposition can be input to most of the water quality constituents in HSPF. These inputs are limited to constituents that maintain a mass balance in the soil or water. Atmospheric deposition inputs can be specified in two alternative forms and two alternative time-variable formats. First, the constituent can be defined either as a mass flux (mass/area/time) or concentration in rainfall. Second, the time variation can be described by either a time series data set, which is specified in the EXT SOURCES block, or twelve monthly values that are specified in the new "MONTH-DATA" block. Documentation of this feature is contained in theory discussion for each module section that can receive deposition inputs; the corresponding UCI format section; the EXTNL groups in the Time Series catalog for the PERLND, IMPLND, and RCHRES modules; and the MONTH-DATA block of the user's manual.
    • The soil nutrient calculations in PERLND have undergone major modifications to facilitate modeling of agricultural practices and forest areas. Both the nitrogen (NITR) and phosphorus (PHOS) sections were modified to allow an optional yield-based method for simulating nutrient uptake by plants. This change permits a better representation of nutrient management practices since uptake is controlled more by crop yields than by small changes in the nutrient application or fertilization rate. The NITR calculations were also extensively modified to better represent nitrogen cycling in forest watersheds. The organic nitrogen variable was divided into four different species, a litter layer was added, and plant nitrogen was divided between above ground and below ground compartments.
    • Water categories can be defined and tracked in streams and rivers. These categories are designed to facilitate the modeling of water rights or water ownership. Details of this feature can be found in the User's Manual under the hydraulics (HYDR) section of the RCHRES module, and the CATEGORY block.
    • The Special Actions (SPEC-ACTIONS) block has undergone major modifications to facilitate modeling of water ownership, reservoir operations, and agricultural practices. The primary new features in this section are repetition of special actions at regular intervals, distribution of special actions over time, creation of user-defined variables (consisting of multiple HSPF variables) that can be acted upon by executing a single special action, and creation of logical conditions under which special actions (or groups of actions) will be executed depending on whether the condition (involving state variables or parameters) is true or false.
    • Time series data can be accessed from U.S. Army Hydrologic Engineering Center Data Storage System (HECDSS) files, which are binary files containing multiple time series data sets. The structure and use of DSS files is similar to WDM files; however, there are several differences. In the time series blocks (EXT SOURCES and EXT TARGETS), DSS data sets are referenced by the DSS keyword and a data set ID number. However, since data sets within DSS files are generally referenced by path names instead of ID numbers, the new PATHNAMES block has been added to HSPF to allow the user to assign ID numbers to DSS data sets. A maximum of five DSS files can be accessed in a run. DSS files can be created and maintained by HECDSS utility programs (DSSUTL, DSSIN, DSPLAY, etc.), which are available from private vendors affiliated with the U.S. Army Hydrologic Engineering Center in Davis, CA. NOTE: The HECDSS system and its associated programs are not distributed with HSPF nor are they available from the U.S. EPA or its Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM). For further information on the availability of the HECDSS system and its associated utility programs, contact Water Resources Publications, Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. P.O. Box 260026 Highlands Ranch, CO 90163-0026 Voice: 800/736-2405, or 303/741-9071 FAX: 303/741-9073. Contact Water Resources Publications for distribution media and current cost information.
    • Minor changes have been made to the algorithms that adjust infiltration in soil as a result of frozen ground conditions. In Version 11, an optional method allows infiltration in PERLND to be affected by the soil temperature instead of the ice content of the snow pack. Related to this option, an alternative method of computing the lower layer soil temperature has been added. The new method is based on upper layer temperature instead of air temperature. Documentation of these options can be found in the User's Manual under the PWATER and PSTEMP sections of the PERLND module.
    • Selection of the units system (English or Metric) for data in the UCI file is considered global. In Version 11, the unit system for the UCI file is selected in the GLOBAL block. In Version 10, this selection was made separately for each operation in the GEN-INFO table of PERLND, IMPLND, and RCHRES operations.
    • Multiple WDM files can be accessed by HSPF. A maximum of five WDM files can be accessed during a run. The files are referenced in the FILES block, EXT SOURCES block, and EXT TARGETS block by the keywords WDMn, where n is either "blank" or 1 - 4.
    • The value "0.0" or "0" in an input field is interpreted as zero if zero is a valid value for the parameter. If zero is not valid, "0" or "0.0" is interpreted as a "blank". In Version 10, zero was always interpreted as a blank, and it always resulted in the parameter being set equal to its default value.
    • The read-only data files HSPINF.DA, HSPERR.DA, and HSPWRN.DA have been replaced by one read-only WDM file, HSPFMSG.WDM. Access of this WDM file is transparent to the user, and no reference to it is required in the FILES block. References to the old style of *.DA files in the FILES block of existing UCI files are ignored by the program and do not cause errors.
    • TSS files are not maintained or documented. Access of data from TSS files has not been tested under Version 11. The TSSMGR functionality, which allowed users to maintain TSS data sets, has been removed from the program.
  • NOTE: Existing UCI files are fully compatible with Version 11 except for the global units system. If an existing UCI file uses Metric units, all operations in the run must use Metric units and the English-Metric flag (EMFG) must be set to 2 in the GLOBAL block. Existing runs that use English units are compatible with Version 11 since EMFG defaults to 1 (English).

Version: 10.11

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions
  • Composed new INSTALIT/MediaBuilder code and logic. Upgraded INSTALIT/MediaBuilder product version description and INF script files from version 3.19c to version 5.03d. Implemented numerous code changes to correct minor problems and add features/enhancements.
  • Updated, recompiled, and rebuilt selected AIDE library binary files UTIL, ADWDM, and WDM from version 2.0x to version 3.0x using Lahey FORTRAN 32-bit, protected mode compiler, Phar-lap linker.
  • Recompiled and relinked executable task image program files using Lahey FORTRAN 32-bit, protected mode compiler, Phar-lap linker, and AIDE libraries listed above.
  • Included new executable task image files and all updated run time support programs and files, including unformatted, direct access water shed data management files (*.WDM).
  • Added the welcome screen files HSPFOPEN.SCR, NTSSOPEN.SCR, and DAMKOPEN.SCR.
  • Added the following HSPF model system documentation files:
    • HSPF Model System Abstract - ABSTRACT.TXT
    • HSPF Model System Distribution File List - FILELIST.TXT
    • Bibliography for HSPF and Related References - HSPFBIBL.WP5
    • Modeling of Nonpoint Source Water Quality in Urban and Non-urban Areas - NPSMODEL.WP5

Version: 10.10

Corrections & Improvements to Prior Versions
  • The HSPF program is executed at the DOS system command prompt by typing HSPF filename, then pressing the "Enter" key. The command line argument filename is the name of a valid DOS and HSPF input data file to be processed in a given execution of the HSPF model system. For further information on DOS and HSPF file names, refer to the READ.ME document in the HSPF model system distributed on diskette and through the CEAM electronic bulletin board system and Internet node.
  • All file connections, other than the input file *.UCI itself, are specified in the FILES block contained in the input file.
  • Two new time series blocks have been added to the input in order to facilitate specification of time series connections for complex watershed simulations. The SCHEMATIC and MASS-LINK blocks can be used to replace many of the entries that were specified in the NETWORK block. Input files from previous versions still operate as before.
  • Significant changes have been made in the NUTRX section of RCHRES. Particulate NH4 and PO4 can be simulated using a simple equilibrium adsorption method. This option requires simulation of the instream sediment section (SEDTRN). Old input files may require changes if they include the NUTRX section.
  • The TSS file functions are still contained in the HSPF program. The NEWTSS program is still distributed with HSPF. Documentation for the NEWTSS program can be installed from either the INSTALL or INSTALHS program in the file NEWTSS.TXT within the README subdirectory. However, users are strongly encouraged to use WDM files since TSS will be an unsupported and undocumented option in the release of HSPF version 11.x. The use of WDM files requires the ANNIE program for maintenance of WDM files and their corresponding data sets. The concepts of WDM and TSS files are similar. NOTE: The ANNIE program's run time support files are distributed and installed with the minimum run time and support files for the HSPF model system. For further information, refer to the INSTALL or INSTALHS program.