Environmental Justice

Plan EJ 2014: Resources Tools Development

EPA’s efforts advanced EPA’s priority under the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan of Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice. They establish a new paradigm for the delivery of EPA assistance to minority, low-income, tribal, and indigenous peoples to promote equitable development and create healthy and sustainable neighborhoods. They respond to the Cross-Agency Focus Area under Plan EJ 2014 of Supporting Community-Based Action Programs and its accomplishments are incorporated there.

Read the implementation plan on resources tools development (PDF) (17 pp, 725K, About PDF).

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  • Established the one-stop Resources for Communities web portal, which provides resources available to help your community take action on environmental issues to address health concerns.
  • Develop the Technical Assistance Services for Communities (TASC), which provides independent assistance through an EPA contract to help communities better understand the science, regulations and policies of environmental issues and EPA actions. 

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