Annual Award Nomination Form for the Environmental Merit Awards

Nominate an individual, business, government agency, not-for-profit, professional association, or college/university whose work on behalf of the environment during the past year is worthy of recognition.

Please complete the nomination form along with clearly addressing the criteria listed below not to exceed one-page with font size no smaller than 10 point. (Supporting material, such as news clips, are accepted, but should not exceed 5 pages.)

Annual Award Criteria: (Total 65 pts)

  • Define the specific environmental problem or need (10 pts)
  • What actions were taken to address the environmental problem or need (15 pts)
  • Measurable, sustainable and lasting public health or environmental results (15 pts)
  • EPA's mission is to protect human health and the environment. Please explain how your work connects to EPA’s mission (i.e waste reduction or reduction in air, water, land pollution) (10 pts)
  • Ability of the program/activity to be replicated or widely shared (10 pts)
  • Promotion of innovative ideas or approaches (5 pts)

Materials over the page limits stated above will not be evaluated.

Deadline for Nomination Applications: Friday, February 10, 2017.

Submission Instructions

  • Save the nomination form below to your personal computer.
  • Fill out and email the completed form to
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