Workshop: Economic Research and Policy Concerning Water Use and Watershed Management

Date(s): April 21-22, 1999

Location: Seattle, WA

Contact: Nicole Owens (

Description: This two-day workshop cosponsored by US EPA Office of Economy and Environment, US EPA National Center for Environmental Research and Quality Assurance, and US EPA Region 10 explored the many issues surrounding water use and watershed management. The first session was a case study of the Snake River economic analysis being conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers and several other Federal agencies. The next three sessions - "Integrating Economic and Physical Models in Water and Watershed Research," "Methods for Measuring Stakeholder Values of Water Quality and Watershed Protection," and "Applications of Stakeholder Valuation Techniques for Water and Watersheds" - considered economic methods and research areas employed by researchers who are more generally studying water use and or watershed management.

This workshop is part of the Environmental Policy and Economics Workshop Series.