Seminar: Scientific Uncertainty and the Risks of Climate Change

Date(s): May 7, 2009, 10:00-11:30am

Location: Room 4144, EPA West

Contact: Carl Pasurka, 202-566-2275

Presenter(s): Jay Gulledge (Pew Center on Global Climate Change)

Description: There are basic mechansisms and consequences of human-induced climate change that are known with high confidence. Other aspects are either fundamentally uncertain, such as the climate sensitivity, or will remain uncertain for many years, such as the timing and magnitude of change in a particular location. Policy decisions must therefore be taken under uncertainty and these decisions must take into account the risks of climate change, which include potential surprises with severe consequences for society. For more information, see a related chapter in "The Global Politics of EnergyExit.

Presentation Document: Scientific Uncertainty and the Risks of Climate Change

Seminar Category: Climate Science