EPA Environmental Economics Email Listserv

Through its National Center for Environmental Economics (NCEE), EPA provides a listserv to distribute information on the research and opportunities related to environmental economics.  For example, the list offers information on seminars and workshops, publications, grant solicitations, and other opportunities related to environmental economics. Please note that this is a distribution list (not a discussion list), so subscribers will not be able to post messages to the list nor receive messages from other subscribers.

Please subscribe to NCEE-ANNOUNCE or send the following message to lyris@lists.epa.gov:
subscribe NCEE-Announce YourFirstName YourLastName

A web interface for reading archived messages and changing preferences is available at https://lists.epa.gov/read/?forum=ncee-announce.

If you have difficulties with the listserv and cannot resolve them using the information found at the website, please contact Cynthia Morgan (morgan.cynthia@epa.gov).


Official announcements of funding opportunities are made through Grants.gov. For more information on EPA grant opportunities, please see Grants and Other Funding Opportunities.

Official announcements of EPA employment opportunities are made through postings on USAjobs.gov. For more information on EPA job opportunities, please see Careers & Internships.