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FRS Query Form's User Guide

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The Facility Registry Service generally includes such core data elements as name, address, affiliated organizations and contacts, and industrial classifications. Use this query to search for facilities in Envirofacts.

Facility Identification Search Option

Facility Name/Registry ID

Enter the complete or partial facility name or registry id to retrieve all facilities with that name or id. Select the "Containing" option when entering a partial name or id for a better retrieval the first time you access the data. When an "Exact Match" option is specified for a facility name or id, do not specify another option; only one facility will be retrieved. 
Geography Search Option

Select from five geographical search options: ZIP Code, City, County, State, and Region.

ZIP Code

The ZIP Code entry can be five digits plus extension, or fewer.


Enter a complete or partial street address.


Enter a complete or partial city name. You must also enter the State.

County Name

Enter a complete or partial county name. You must also enter the State.


Enter a two-character state postal abbreviation. A list of the postal abbreviations and the state names is provided below:

State Abbreviation / Name State Abbreviation / Name State Abbreviation / Name
AK = Alaska AL = Alabama AR = Arkansas
AS = American Samoa AZ = Arizona CA = California
CN = Canada CO = Colorado CT = Connecticut
DC = District of Columbia DE = Delaware FC = Other Foreign Countries
FL = Florida FM = Federated States of Micronesia GA = Georgia
GU = Guam HI = Hawaii IA = Iowa
ID = Idaho IL = Illinois IN = Indiana
IQ = Misc. U.S. Pacific Islands IT = All Indian Tribes KS = Kansas
KY = Kentucky LA = Louisiana MA = Massachusetts
MD = Maryland ME = Maine MH = Marshall Island
MI = Michigan MN = Minnesota MO = Missouri
MP = Northern Mariana Islands MQ = Midway Island MS = Mississippi
MT = Montana NC = North Carolina ND = North Dakota
NE = Nebraska NH = New Hampshire NJ = New Jersey
NM = New Mexico NV = Nevada NY = New York
OH = Ohio OK = Oklahoma OR = Oregon
PA = Pennsylvania PR = Puerto Rico PW = Palau, Republic of
RI = Rhode Island SC = South Carolina SD = South Dakota
TN = Tennessee TX = Texas UT = Utah
VA = Virginia VI = Virgin Islands VT = Vermont
WA = Washington WI = Wisconsin WQ = Wake Island
WV = West Virginia WY = Wyoming


Region State
Region 01 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Region 02 New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 03 Pennsylvania, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 04 Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida
Region 05 Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio
Region 06 New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
Region 07 Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri
Region 08 Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah, Colorado
Region 09 California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii
Region 10 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska

Congressional District Number

Enter the congressional district number. You must also enter the State.

Legislative District Number

Enter the legislative district number. You must also enter the State.

HUC Code

Enter the hydrologic unit code (HUC).

Federal Facilities only

Check this box to limit the search to federal facilities only. You must also enter a State or Region.

Facilities on Tribal lands only

Check this box to limit the search to facilities on tribal lands only. You must also enter a State or Region. 

Facility Industrial Classification Search Option

SIC Codes

Enter a complete or partial SIC Code or range of SIC Codes.


Enter a complete or partial NAIC Code or a range of NAICS Codes. 

Affiliated Organization and Contact Search

Organization Name

Enter a complete or partial Organization Name. <

Organization DUNS Number

Enter a complete or partial Organization DUNS number.

Contact Name

Enter a complete or partial contact name. 

Program Category Search

Select one or more program categories from the drop-down menu to limit the search to facilities that have environmental permits or are associated with regulatory programs within the selected program categories. Choose more than one program category by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting. 

Interest Type Search

Select one or more interest types from the drop-down menu to limit the search to facilities that have environmental permits or are associated with regulatory programs that apply to the facility site. Choose more than one interest type by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting. 

National Systems Search Options

You may select to search for facilities in all the national systems, or you may select to search from a single national system listed. To limit the list of facilities to those occurring in specific systems, select the national system of interest, or select one or more national systems. Leave this option blank for "All Systems."

This option limits the search by causing the query to use the cross reference table. This is a large table, therefore your query will take more time. Use this option only when searching within a county, city, or ZIP Code. Using this option at a state level may cause the query to time out or return a very large data set. 

Usage Constraints

Information can be freely accessed through the use of this query. The complexity of the query is up to the user. Queries that return a large volume of data may terminate prematurely due to system limitations. The constraints established for the enviro user account (the query uses this to connect to the Oracle database) are:

  • Each query is limited to 2.5 minutes of Central Processing Unit (CPU) time.
  • A single session can be 15 minutes in duration.
  • A session may stay idle for 7.5 minutes, at which time it will be terminated.

Develop queries that return small batches of data and terminate the session as soon as the queries have been executed, so that others can access the database.

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