
Guidance: 2014 CERCLA RD/RA CD and SOW

Transmittal memorandum announcing the issuance of the revised Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) Consent Decree (CD) and new RD/RA Statement of Work (SOW). Issued 9/29/2014. 

The model RD/RA CD is for use by EPA and Department of Justice staff when negotiating RD/RA judicial CDs with potentially responsible parties (PRPs) under sections 106, 107, and 122 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, commonly referred to as Superfund). It is designed to be used in conjunction with the RD/RA SOW, which is the technical attachment to the CD that sets forth the procedures and requirements for implementing the RD and RA under the CD. 

The models documents included with the transmittal memorandum are available in Word format from the Cleanup Enforcement Model Language and Sample Documents Database:

The transmittal memorandum also includes as attachments a chart providing an “Overview of Substantive Changes from 2011-2014 Remedial Design/Remedial Action Consent Decree," and a compare version of the RD/RA CD showing changes made from the 2011 to 2014 versions of the CD.

The transmittal memorandum, chart, and compare document are available in PDF below.

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