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Air Emission Measurement Center (EMC)

Performance Specification 4 for Carbon Monoxide

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Supporting Information

The Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT) is a tool developed for facilities who must submit stationary source stack testing plans and performance reports to EPA in an electronic format as required by certain regulations in 40 CFR Part 60 and Part 63. The ERT method list has been expanded to include Performance Specifications (PS) 2, 3 and 4 for Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs). A complete list of the methods supported by the ERT can be found on the ERT webpage, EPA Test Methods and Pollutants Accepted by the ERT, and Supporting Documentation (PDF). (1 p, 174 K, About PDF)

This electronic format of the data will assist in the emissions factor development process and is expected to streamline regulatory review of emissions test reports. EPA’s emissions factors development procedures will use the quality assured data from the ERT files by using a set of objective review questions that assess the quality of the process, control device and measurement data collected during the emissions test and reported in the ERT file.

Performance Specification

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