EMC Conditional Test Methods
This category includes methods that were categorized as conditional test methods before our method categories were revised. Because some of these methods have been cited in state rules and permits under their Conditional Test Method (CTM) designation, we have created a category for them and called it "Historic Conditional Methods". This category is closed and no new methods will be added to it.
These CTMs have been evaluated by the Agency and may be applicable to one or more categories of stationary sources. The EPA confidence in a method included in this category is based upon review of various technical information including, but not limited to, field and laboratory validation studies; EPA understanding of the most significant quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) issues; and EPA confirmation that the method addresses these QA/QC issues sufficiently to identify when the method may not be acquiring representative data. The method's QA/QC procedures are required as a condition of applicability.
CTMs may be used by State and local programs in conjunction with Federally enforceable programs (e.g., Title V permits, State Implementation Plans (SIP)) provided they are subject to an EPA Regional SIP approval process or permit veto opportunity and public notice and opportunity for comment. They are available for application without EPA oversight for other non-EPA program uses including state permitting programs and scientific and engineering applications.
These methods must be approved as alternatives before a source may use them to meet Federal requirements under 40 CFR Part 60, 61, and 63. The EPA encourages the submission of additional field and laboratory data to further support a method.
The EPA staff may not necessarily be the technical experts on these methods. These methods are potentially subject to change based on the review of additional validation studies or on public comment as a part of adoption as a method proposed or promulgated in the Federal Register.
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