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Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI)

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EPA regulations codified in 40 CFR Part 60 and 63 require affected sources to perform emissions source tests, conduct continuous emissions monitoring, and submit compliance and emissions reports. EPA is promulgating "E-Reporting" rules to require affected sources to electronically submit source test results, emissions monitoring data, compliance reports, and emissions reports to EPA. As a result the EPA has developed the Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) which is located on EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX). The CDX Web is the application used by EPA programs and various stakeholders to manage environmental data transmitted to EPA in order to meet EPA's electronic reporting requirements.

The CEDRI program service supports the submittal of three types of reporting:

  • Performance Test Reports - Performance Test Reports use the Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT), built in Microsoft Access, to generate files containing emissions source test data. Facilities upload these files to CDX using CEDRI.
  • Notification Reports - A Notification Report or Notification of Compliance Status (NOCS) are reports typically submitted by a regulated facility that notifies the designated authority that the facility has achieved compliance with an applicable regulation. (Note: In CEDRI most Notification Reports will be uploaded in PDF form.)
  • Air Emissions Reports - Air emissions reports are periodic reports submitted to the delegated authority after the facility achieves initial compliance that demonstrate that the facility has maintained continuous compliance with an applicable regulation over the reporting period (e.g., 6 months). These reports will be identified by the report names found in each specific rule.

CEDRI supports submission of multiple reports at one time. CEDRI aggregates the uploaded files and completed forms into a single package for submission. The Certifier then certifies and signs the package using the CDX Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) service and the reports are stored in the CDX CROMERR archive and are available to Certifiers, Preparers, and authorized EPA, regional, state, local, and tribal reviewers immediately upon submission. Following a processing period, copies of the reports are also subsequently sent to WebFIRE where the reports are available for public access.

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CEDRI provides different roles for reporting facilities, roles for regional/state/local/tribal regulatory agencies, and roles for EPA program office personnel. CEDRI Roles  (PDF)(2 pp, 74 K, About PDF).

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What Will I Need To Get Started?

In order to use CDX and CEDRI, the following is required:

  • An email account
  • Web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled
  • Internet access
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
  • Java version 6 update 38 or above. 
    Prior to downloading the more recent Java version, it is highly recommended that you clear your Java cache. Follow these steps to clear your Java cache:
    1. Close all open internet browsers.
    2. Select the 'Start' button.
    3. Go to 'Control Panel.' Select the 'Java' icon (Java Control Panel will display).
    4. On the Java Control Panel in the 'Temporary Internet Files' section, select the 'View' button (Java Cache Viewer will display).
    5. Select 'Resources' in the 'Show' drop down field located at the top of the Java Cache Viewer.
    6. Select all of the files in the list (Ctrl-A) and click on the red X button located at the top of the Java Cache Viewer to delete the selected files.
    7. Close the Java Cache Viewer and Java Control Panel.

Please see the following video if you need help creating an account and accessing CEDRI (specific for Preparer and Certifier roles): CEDRI Registration Video Youtube

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User's Guide and Compliance Report Form Upload Templates

EPA has prepared a comprehensive user's guide (PDF)(110 pp, 4.5 M, About PDF) to help users with Preparer, Certifier, or Delegated Certifier role register for CDX and CEDRI as well as to help users set up organization profiles for their facilities. EPA has also prepared a separate User's Guide for Users with the State Reviewer roles. This User's Guide can be accessed when you log into CDX/CEDRI. Users may also use the XML Reporting Instructions (PDF)(74 pp, 1 MB) for details on how to create XML documents to automatically fill out data for a new for Air Emission Compliance Reports form for applicable subparts.

Below are XML schemas (XSDs) and Excel files that can be used as templates to upload information into Compliance Report forms in the CEDRI application. Use the XSDs to prepare an XML file to create a completely or partially filled out Compliance Report form. Use the Excel files to upload data into tables within an existing Compliance Report form. Refer to Appendix B of the user's guide for definitions of data elements contained in the Excel templates. Please note that you do not need to use an XML file or Excel file to enter data into a Compliance Report form, but they may assist in expediting data entry into the form.

Select the part/subpart you would like to download Excel upload templates and/or XML upload schema for. The templates provided below are for reference use only and must be completed and uploaded into CEDRI for the applicable part/subpart.

Part 60 Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources

Part 60 Subpart Name Available Files
Subpart IIII
VOC Emissions From The Synthetic Organic Chemical
Manufacturing Industry Air Oxidation Unit Processes
Emergency Demand Response Use Summary (XLSX) (11 K)
Non-Emergency Use Summary (XLSX) (18 K)
Voltage or Frequency Deviation Summary (XLSX) (11 K)
XML Schema (XSD) (7 K)
60.4214(d)(3) Annual Report - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (395 K)
Subpart JJJJ

Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines

Emergency Demand Response Use Summary (XLSX) (11 K)
Non-Emergency Use Summary (XLSX) (18 K)
Voltage or Frequency Deviation Summary (XLSX) (11 K)
XML Schema (XSD) (7 K)
60.4245(e)(3) Annual Report - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (280 K)

Part 63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources

Part 63 Subpart Name Available Files
Subpart DDDDD

Industrial, Commercial, And Institutional Boilers And Process Heaters

CEMS Summary (XLSX) (21 K)
CMS Downtime Summary (XLSX) (23 K)
Deviation Report (XLSX) (23 K)
Fuel Use Summary (XLSX) (27 K)
Malfunction Report (XLSX) (22 K)
XML Schema (XSD) (17 K)
63.7550(c)(1) Compliance Report for Facilities Subject to the Requirements of a Tune Up - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (19 K)
63.7550(c)(2) Compliance Report for Facilities Complying with the Fuel Analysis - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (18 K)
63.7550(c)(3) Compliance Report for Facilities Complying with the Applicable Emissions Limit with Performance Testing - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (23 K)
63.7550(c)(4) Compliance Report for Facilities Complying with an Emissions Limit Using a CMS - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (23 K)
Subpart JJJJJJ

Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers Area Sources

XML Schema (XSD) (3 K)
63.11225(a)(4)(vi) Notification of Compliance Status - Bulk Upload Template (XLSX) (17 K)
Subpart LLL

Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry

CEMS Summary (XLSX)(21 K)
CMS Downtime Summary (XLSX) (23 K)
Excess Emissions Summary (XLSX) (20 K)
Malfunction Report (XLSX) (22 K)
XML Schema (XSD) (15 K)
Subpart ZZZZ Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Emergency Demand Response Use Summary (XLSX) (11 K
Fuel Use Deviation Summary (XLSX) (15 K)
Non-Emergency Use Summary (XLSX) (18 K)
Voltage or Frequency Deviation Summary (XLSX) (11 K)
XML Schema (XSD) (8 K)
63.6650(h)(3) Annual Report - Bulk Upload Template( XLSX) (297 K)

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Frequent Questions and Announcements

Here is the most recent FAQ Document (DOCX)(5 pp, 28 K). We are continually adding new FAQs so check back. Latest update is February 19, 2016.

If you do not see your question covered in the FAQ you can email the CEDRI team at CEDRI@epa.gov

Announcements about CEDRI will be made available via the CHIEF Listserv. Notices are sent directly to a member's email address.

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