Additional Resources and Tools Related to EJSCREEN

EJSCREEN Resources
EJSCREEN is a tool that provide a great deal of information, based on data sources and methods that have been fully described in great detail in the EJSCREEN Technical Documentation, which is the most comprehensive source of information about EJSCREEN. For those simply wanting to learn how to start using the maps and reports, we have also provided a User Guide that walks through the steps involved. A fact sheet and list of common questions and answers are also available.
- Technical Documentation for EJSCREEN Map Tool
- User Guide for EJSCREEN (PDF)(49 pp, 2.3 MB, About PDF)
- Fact Sheet about EJSCREEN | EJSCREEN Hoja Informativa
- Glossary of EJSCREEN Terms
- Frequent Questions about EJSCREEN | Preguntas frecuentes sobre EJSCREEN
Other EPA Data and Mapping Tools
Below are links to a number of different data and mapping tools that have been developed by EPA. They may provide additional resources for screening and analyzing different areas for environmental and environmental justice concerns. EPA has created a comparison chart to explain key differences between four commonly used mapping tools.
- Cleanups in My Community (CIMC)
CIMC enables you to map and list hazardous waste cleanup locations and grant areas, and drill down to details about those cleanups and grants and other, related information.
- The Community-Focused Exposure and Risk Screening Tool (C-FERST)
C-FERST links to and builds upon other community-focused guidance and tools to help identify human exposures and potential risks for a community and help identify issues for further assessment and actions that are available to improve public health.
- EnviroAtlas
EnviroAtlas allows analysis of "what if?" scenarios and provides national to local scale data and analysis of the distribution of:
- ecosystem services
- benefits
- stressors
- drivers of change
- My WATERS Mapper
MyWATERS Mapper dynamically displays snapshots of EPA Office of Water program data. This version of MyWATERS Mapper depicts the status of NPDES permits for each State; summary information from the Clean Watershed Needs Survey; and water quality assessments.
- National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)
The National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) is EPA's comprehensive evaluation of air toxics in the U.S. NATA is a screening tool that estimates cancer and noncancer risks based on chronic inhalation exposure to outdoor sources of air toxics. NATA is used to help prioritize areas that may need further study based on air toxics emissions, emission source types, and population risk. These assessments can help air pollution experts focus limited analytical resources on high-priority areas.
- NEPAssist
NEPAssist is a tool that facilitates the environmental review process and project planning in relation to environmental considerations. The web-based application draws environmental data dynamically from EPA's Geographic Information System databases and web services and provides immediate screening of environmental assessment indicators for a user-defined area of interest. These features contribute to a streamlined review process that potentially raises important environmental issues at the earliest stages of project development.
- Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
The RSEI model is a computer-based screening tool developed by EPA that analyzes factors that may result in chronic human health risks. These factors include the amount of toxic chemical releases, the degree of toxicity and the size of the exposed population. RSEI analyzes these factors and calculates a numeric score. To give the score meaning, it must be ranked against other scores also produced by RSEI. The model highlights releases that pose the highest potential risk or potentially pose the highest risk. This way, RSEI helps policy makers and communities quickly identify situations that require further evaluation and set priorities for action.
- Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)
TRI tracks the management of certain toxic chemicals that may pose a threat to human health and the environment. U.S. facilities in different industry sectors must report annually how much of each chemical is released to the environment and/or managed through recycling, energy recovery and treatment. (A "release" of a chemical means that it is emitted to the air or water or placed in some type of land disposal.) The information submitted by facilities is compiled in the Toxics Release Inventory. TRI helps support informed decision-making by:
- industry
- government
- non-governmental organizations
- the public
- The Tribal-Focused Environmental Risk and Sustainability Tool (T-FERST)
In Tribal-FERST, users are able to follow step-by-step guidance for:
- identifying priority issues
- compiling data
- ranking and addressing risks
- assessing impacts of actions taken
At each step, relevant information is provided.